Monday 25 March 2024

Afternoon tele or ??

 What did you so before daytime tele? I asked this of some friends of mine of a similar age to me. And would you believe it, we all did housework bits, mostly ironing.

I realised that I did the same and also in summer I did the garden. There wasn't day time tele, in fact I didn't know there was any, some time in the 1980's, I remember my DD coming home from UNI and wanting to watch Neighbours, it was on TV during the day.

But I still didn't watch TV during the day. Once I started teaching, full time work took up my time and in the evenings, I marked books and did my lesson  planning. 

But in lockdown we watched a lot of tele, and since then, I like to watch some afternoon programmes like 'Escape to the Country' And we binge some films on wet afternoons.. and I read.

And that's what I realised I never did during the day years ago, I didn't sit down and read during the day. I felt guilty if I sat down to read? Can you believe that, I didn't read during the day? What a waste of reading time!

All those years I could have been reading; these days I read all the time!

What do you do in an afternoon, housework, garden, or going out?

Do you read during the day? At the moment I'm reading this book...

Something totally different to the Kristin Hannah book, and I'm enjoying it, #20 this year, so you see I do read a lot.



jabblog said...

We rarely watch television in the afternoon and it feels indulgent if we do, so we enjoy it then. We read, write, play with the dogs, garden.

Marie Smith said...

I read at various times of the day, between other activities. I have the tv on in the afternoon but it’s background noise usually.

Joy said...

I do whatever there is to be done. It might be housework, ironing, out with a friend, reading and watching telly, shopping. It all depends.

Sue said...

I've never really been into afternoon tele, if I put the television on during the day it's to watch YouTube videos while I eat my lunch. I had only watched Escape to the Country a couple of times and then we were asked to be on it as 'the experts' showing the potential house buyers how to keep pigs, so I watched a couple more to try to get used the various hosts.

I do read during the day if I sit quietly for a while with a coffee, but the rest of the time I'm working on the computer or proof reading work documents.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

I think the only time I watched daytime TV was in the few months before I gave birth to D in 1991. It's usually after 6pm before it goes on these days. If I'm not gardening or crafting I might be reading or occasionally doing some housework in the daytime:-)

Billie Jo said...

Hello! The book looks good! I find I don't watch much afternoon television until about 4:00 P.M. My daughter and I like watching old game shows as well as some new ones. Reading is my favorite, though. I always have a book... or three...around!