Friday 15 February 2013

Come and dance with me!

I have had two of my finished crosses stitched framed! And I am delighted.
This is my Celtic Lady 'Summer'
And my Rosewood Manor Quaker Spring
They are not hung yet, as we are rather busy getting sorted, as we are off to Australia in three days time for four weeks!  But there will be plenty of time when we get back.
These are the first I have ever had professionally framed and so now will have my others done in time.

Happy Stitching all.


Tuesday 5 February 2013

My Scottie Dog bag

Someone  I met in a cross stitch meet up had made one of these, I so liked it I looked up the magazine where she got the pattern from. It is in an old copy of Popular Patchwork, a bag special edition.
And so here it is.. the fabric is curtain material, a Clarke and Clarke design.. but I bought it from that 'evil' shop!!(Ebay)  The lining is cream curtain lining as I have yards of this, left over  from curtain I have made over the years.. I love the front pocket, very handy....I put a zip in it as I don't like to have bags that gap open and I have fabric left over so I intend to make a purse to go inside.
It only took me an afternoon and I can't wait to take my scottie dog bag for a walk!

'Happy walkies!!'

Monday 4 February 2013

Knitting for a change.

I saw this book and I couldn't resist it.  I wasn't 100% last week and when I don't feel well I chose to  knit as it needs less concentration. My fingers just do it without me having to look at it.. so I always think its relaxing.
This looks so good to do, each square is a different pattern, and as it squares you can do one every now and then, altho' I shall probably try to knit one every other week..
But I haven't started even one square yet because I had this gorgeous sock wool and it was calling to me!
I also have a red stripy pair nearly completed too.  I love knitting socks!

One of the young women  in church on sunday, admired my scarf, which was one of my crochet ones and so we started talking about crocheting and knitting.. so it looks like I will be taking one of our Wednesday meetings with me teaching those who want,....  how to crochet!
The sun has been glorious here today, more and more snowdrops are popping up, with some crocus and wild primroses in flower.. its was like spring.

Happy Days...