Sunday 20 October 2024

Saturday Night Entertainment.

     We love 'Strictly Come Dancing' on TV even though there has been some unpleasantness and suggestions of the Professionals being too harsh, it hasn't put us off watching it. 

We have our favourites who we vote for each week, we make our own comments on their dancing. 

(J B Gill and Amy Dowden) Their jive was wow, how did he keep kicking like that, we were out of breath watching him!

(Dr Punam Krishan and Gorka Marquez) She danced beautifully this week, but had very low marks from the judges, we thought she looked beautiful and danced gracefully. But we thought her Viennese Waltz was absolutely gorgeous.

(Wynne Evans and Katya Jones) Wynne was amazing and never kept still, we were clapping and shouting ... go Wynne go! A great Quickstep! We tune in to his Radio show in the mornings on Radio Wales, he's so funny and it is so the way of Welsh people.

When they perform really well we're full of complements. And get annoyed if the Judges mark our favourites poorly! We recognise some of the steps and clap if our celebrities dance well, we try to guess their scores and give them our own scores.. we'd give them all 10 s! 
In our view its a wonderful entertainment show, its not just the dancing, but the costumes, the make up, the music, the whole show, we love it all! A real Saturday night TV show.
Do you watch it and if you do, do you have favourites and vote for them?


Saturday 19 October 2024

A rather nice week.

I've had quite a good week, well actually it was very good! I did walk for two days, but not Wednesday, because the rain was horrendous, coming down like cats and dogs altho in Wales its described as 'Mae hi'n bwrw hen wragedd a ffyn' ......Its raining old women and sticks! And then short walks the rest of the week, but it helped, because my weight loss on Friday was 2 1/2 pounds! I was delighted and intend to do the same next week.

We did go for a coffee, after the SW meeting, but resisted the Tiffen and took a SW hifi bar with us.. quite chocolatey so satisfied the choc taste! It was lovely coffee and I met my cousin, who is looking after her youngest grand daughter Eila just 9 months old and gorgeous. My cousin thought I'd looked as though I'd lost weight. Because she's looking after Eila, she is going to a different SW group, but is missing our friendly one.. so nice to meet and chat it buoyed me up no end, I left her with a smile on my face.

Then last evening my Grand daughter Saskia phoned to tell me that she and Dan her boyfriend had got engaged last week, when they were holidaying in US in Vermont! Such exciting news, he's a super young man, the only person we've ever had stay, who helped with preparing and clearing away the Sunday dinner, apart from my grand daughter. It was wonderful news.

And have you ever heard the saying ....'when you can't change the situation, change yourself' So, some people, who email me have been making me feel irritated and anxious, so I decided to swerve them. And I feel a lot better for it! Such a relief, like a weight off my mind.

What was your week like?


Friday 18 October 2024

Meanwhile the world goes favourite line

Wild Geese 

You do not have to be good

You do not have to walk on your knees

for a hundred miles through the desert repenting,

You only have to let the soft animals of your body

love what it loves.

Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.

Meanwhile the world goes on.

Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain 

are moving across the landscapes,

over the prairies and the deep trees 

the mountains and the rivers,

Meanwhile the wild geese high in the clean blue air

are heading home again.

Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,

the world offers itself to your imagination,

calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting

over and over announcing your place 

in the family of things.

By Mary Oliver

Sometimes you need poetry


Thursday 17 October 2024

Its so undecided

I don't know how the people of America are feeling, but I personally am getting uneasy with the thought of a leader voted in, who appears not quite right in the head. Sometimes talking for the sake of talking without making sense and totally off subject.

Its difficult to discern truths from lies, is Trump really saying all those things.. he has had several conversations with Putin, is that fact? He believes he can end the war in Ukraine? How is he going to do that?

Each time there a news article about him, I can't believe he says some things. We watched 'Question Time' and people, who are with Trump, seem to dismiss his misdemeanors and odd remarks..and those people genuinely think he's the best for their country.

I worry that someone, who is the Head of a very powerful country could lose his cool and push that 'button' and then we'll all be in the 'mire!'

This was my morning prayer from Proverbs 31 Christian Ministries.

“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”

1 Timothy 2:1-2 (NIV)

What do you think?


Wednesday 16 October 2024


It's been all change for us... the bed... the new bed!! I kept saying to Dh this is not like the bed I tried in the store, but he reckons it has to be.  Anyway we decided to change the new mattress for the mattress off the bed in our second bedroom, perfect! Firmer and just right... Dh is long suffering with me being changeable, but I am convinced that the new mattress isn't the one I tried,  it is too soft! So I'm happy and since using it, I think its warmer! OK it could be the weather is warmer, but I don't think so, the mornings are brrrrrr, warm knicker weather! We've also changed over the metal rail head board for our old padded one, much more comfy to rest your head on when reading in bed.

I've also been back to Specsavers, for 4th time and said the varilux lenses are not right, I have to lift up my head to view my laptop screen.   So I've had them changed to just reading glasses, so I can use them reading at night in bed.. there was a refund as those lenses are cheaper, £140. The young man wanted  me to accept a credit note, which I could use on another pair of glasses. I told him I would never use Specsavers again and got my money!

We also decided to drop out of the U3a 'Singalong' group. She wants to change to not having a break in the middle, but keep singing for the hour, then have a social with tea and biscuits at the end. That doesn't suit us, we're not moving for an hour I was stiff and had to stand a few times..Then when it finished most people, including us left. The person who organises it said, they're doing what the majority want.. but she has forgotten we provided the biscuits, so now they'll have to buy them themselves. I am sad about this as I really enjoyed it and took an active part.

And taking the advice of Michael Mosely (RIP) I have done one thing different, I'm actually walking once a day.. That may not sound great but it is for me, I don't like walking, but have pushed myself to do it.
So a very big change for me!


Tuesday 15 October 2024

Mary Berry's Banana Bread

Now and then we indulge in a simple cake, one with limited fat and one where you can use half sugar and this recipe is one of those.

Banana Bread

100g butter (a substitute is lower fat spread)

`175g castor sugar (you can use half sugar)

225 Self raising flour

2 eggs

2  v. ripe bananas

1 tsp baking powder

2 tbl sp milk(semi is ok)

Pre heat oven 180 or gas mark 4

Mix all ingredients till well mixed.

Spoon mixture into prepared loaf tin.

Cook for an 1 hour until banana bread is well risen and golden brown.

Test if cooked with tooth pick, if wet cook for longer.

Dench with runny icing flavoured with chocolate... or not... doesn't really need it as it is very moist.

Leave to cool before slicing and then ....



Monday 14 October 2024

Book Group Book.

 I still have nights when I wake and can't get back to sleep and last night was one of those. It was 3 am, I tried snuggling back down after a loo visit, but half an hour later I was still awake, not wide awake but not sleepy.. so after another loo visit I switched on my bedside lamp and got my book. (The light doesn't bother Dh) I thought it would give me a chance to finish our Book Group book. 

Frank 75, a retired writer and academic receives an invitation to a funeral of an old friend to take place in Milan, Italy. Being reclusive, he has no idea of what is happening in the world, and is unaware of the increasing covid epidemic that is unfolding.
In Milan he finds he can no longer ignore what is happening in the wider world, when he finds himself quarantined in his hotel by the escalating restrictions. By nature introspective and self absorbed the reader is privy to his inner most thoughts and reflections and he becomes very real. 

There is a vast contrast between Frank and the family hiding out in the attic, who by his invitation, joined him in his room. One dispossessed family, that would struggle at the best of times and a man cultured, educated, who became involved with them, as they huddled down together at the height of the epidemic, brought a realistic edge to the story. 
It was an expertly written book, well paced, an absorbing and resonant read and certainly a convincing covid novel.
It just wasn't for me, but being the Group book, I read it, perhaps you might like it?

Saturday 12 October 2024

A very white patio!

When we came home from SW yesterday morning the garden was radiant in sunshine, so we sat outside to have our cup of tea. We didn't talk just sat quietly and enjoyed the garden and quiet.. no builders banging for a change, two houses are now finished and the other is only worked on now and then. 

Dh had some posts to sort and I stayed there, in my warm jacket, because although the sun was shining it was only 10C. The patio is now sparking,  as Dh used the power washer on it yesterday and our pots back on it.

I loved sitting there, watching the birds on one of the feeders.. and the squirrel jumping from branch to branch on the trees that border the driveway of the private school, which is about 100ft from our garden. We sometimes see him tripping along our fence with a walnut in his mouth, so some one has a tree here near us? Its such fun watching him..

 Our sparking, very white patio

This was the garden when we arrived just over 3years ago.

And here are the three flower beds we 've dug and planted.

Sorry about the table with my tray of weeds! And we have the small trees and shrubs in front of the fence we had, instead of the awful hedge. Its a fair sized garden and we're very pleased we kept our big power motor mower..It takes Dh about 25mins to do back and front grass, so may be one more cut before winter with all this sun. The garden is very different from when we came here, the grass looks more like a lawn with regular cutting and weed and feeding and we've managed to get rid of most of the dandelions. 

It was very calming sitting there and then it was time for lunch, I was desperate, we had a baked potato with cheese grilled on top! A lovely morning. What was yours like?


Friday 11 October 2024

Smiling is infectious!

 If you've read my blog in the past you'll know I suffer with repeated and horrendous UTIs so when I heard about hiprex, which is a bladder antiseptic and prevents infections I asked my Drs could I have some. I was summoned to a face to face app.!! 

I saw a Dr I hadn't seen before, she was excellent, knew what I was talking about and was fully sympathetic.. and not only did she agree it was worth giving hiprex a try, as we had our flu jabs booked later this month, she said she could do them there and then to save us having to go to the Medical Centre again. So we were jabbed!

Then I found this gem of a poem by Spike Milligan and was just how I felt when I left the Drs.  

Smiling is infectious,

You catch it like the flu.

When someone smiled at me today,

I started smiling too.

I passed around the corner,

and someone saw my grin.

When he smiled I realised, 

I'd passed it on to him.

I thought about that smile,

then realised its worth.

A single smile, just like mine,

could travel round the Earth.

So if you feel a smile begin,

don't leave it undetected.

Let's start an epidemic quick,

and get the world infected!!

by Spike Milligan


Thursday 10 October 2024

A gardener's tale.

 Every morning the first thing I do is walk through the lounge to look out of the French doors to view the garden. If its not raining I step out onto the top of the steps and peer up and down. I smell the air, look at the furthest flower bed, is there a new flower, is there anything new to see, how is the shape of the little scented tree? It all brings great joy to me. I listen to the birds, and when the wind is in a certain direction, I  can hear the sea! Some mornings I see the geese flying across  from the nature reserve to Ogmore. I used to walk round in my dressing gown, but after my fall I am wary, so wait till I've dressed.. one thing falling fully dressed, but in my nightie??

We had a lovely couple of hours on Monday afternoon, the sun was shining and it felt warm. Our garden is south-west facing so good for lots of plants, but would you believe too hot for some others, which flower one year and then disappear, but I keep trying, so I plant snowdrops every year!  But it means we can grow some very nice grapes!

With all the tidying up, I also reduced the height of the crab apple tree so it will bush out. I had a beautiful one in my garden in Billericay and I made jars of crab apple jelly, to which I added  different herbs and gave away to friends.

Here's one of my end of the summer pots... ready to go for a winter sleep in the garage. A bit sad to see the end of summer.

And the cosmos all looking a bit end of summer weary.

Once these have died down  I shall fill it with even more bulbs!

And my new spring pots already planted  with daffodils, and tulips and grit to protect (I hope) against the squirrels.

 I gently pruned some of the roses, just to their 'knees' in Autumn, it will be down to their 'ankles' in spring! And the clematis too, remembering 'flower before June, don't prune!' All the sayings I learnt as a new gardener so many years ago, have helped me through the years.

Dh was going to power wash the patio, but with the rain showers we decided to just get the patio ready for the next dry fine day, not safe on a day with sudden showers,  as it is electric.
 I just love my garden, and  it was surprise,  because of covid lockdown we didn't view the property, altho my son videoed the bungalow for us, I was a bit concerned about the garden, would it be too small? Truth be told it's a bit too big, but we haven't made it labour intensive so we're coping!
Do you love your garden?