Sunday 6 October 2024

90th Birthday.

 Yesterday we went to a 90th birthday party, it was my mother's cousin, although she refers to me as her cousin. Often on the phone, when she's asked me about something from the past, and I have said I don't think I remember that, she has said...'Don't be silly of course you do!' So I keep quiet!

She gave a little speech about her life, but forgot that myself and my cousin were her bridesmaids, until I reminded her, we all laughed..

Her brother age 92 was there. I went to talk to him, asking him did he not recognise me, he didn't, but I carried on talking to him and reminded him I had quite a 'pash' for him when I was 18. He wrote to me long letters, when I was a student nurse. He was one of those over studious, quiet, shy, young men, but did go on and get married and had four girls..And I just moved on as  you do when you're 18 and young!

There were about 50 people there including my cousins, (one the other bridesmaid) I don't have much contact with her, she lives in the midlands. And her brother, they were both full of the holidays they'd had this summer, all very nice, but to me it was like they were chasing dreams. I'm past that stage of my life, all that airport hustle and bustle, not for me any more. They asked could I speak Welsh yet and I was able to reply.. 'Ydw, dw i'n dysgu siarad Cymraeg,' (yes I am learning to speak Welsh)

The food was lush, pulled pork in a bap, roast potatoes, mixed green salad leaves, coleslaw and apple sauce. I loved it as we never eat foods like that these days, as we're always trying to lose weight (I lost 2 pounds this week) We just had a little bit of it all.

And there was a very delicious birthday cake, all very nice.

We drove home the long way via our front promenade, which was crowded, but just by chance there was a parking space by Booths, the pavement kiosk with the fab Welsh ice cream, so we stopped for one,  it was delish..So a nice day but I was glad to get home for a decaff tea! Can't beat a good cuppa.

Have you older relatives?


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