Saturday 19 October 2024

A rather nice week.

I've had quite a good week, well actually it was very good! I did walk for two days, but not Wednesday, because the rain was horrendous, coming down like cats and dogs altho in Wales its described as 'Mae hi'n bwrw hen wragedd a ffyn' ......Its raining old women and sticks! And then short walks the rest of the week, but it helped, because my weight loss on Friday was 2 1/2 pounds! I was delighted and intend to do the same next week.

We did go for a coffee, after the SW meeting, but resisted the Tiffen and took a SW hifi bar with us.. quite chocolatey so satisfied the choc taste! It was lovely coffee and I met my cousin, who is looking after her youngest grand daughter Eila just 9 months old and gorgeous. My cousin thought I'd looked as though I'd lost weight. Because she's looking after Eila, she is going to a different SW group, but is missing our friendly one.. so nice to meet and chat it buoyed me up no end, I left her with a smile on my face.

Then last evening my Grand daughter Saskia phoned to tell me that she and Dan her boyfriend had got engaged last week, when they were holidaying in US in Vermont! Such exciting news, he's a super young man, the only person we've ever had stay, who helped with preparing and clearing away the Sunday dinner, apart from my grand daughter. It was wonderful news.

And have you ever heard the saying ....'when you can't change the situation, change yourself' So, some people, who email me have been making me feel irritated and anxious, so I decided to swerve them. And I feel a lot better for it! Such a relief, like a weight off my mind.

What was your week like?


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