Friday 15 August 2008

Cross stitch exchange

Today 15th August I have at last posted the napkin cross stitch exchange! I didn't do a tie with cube ends but a twisted thread with tassels and it still looked good.

Such a relief to get it posted. I have also received from Sew&So the Lorri Birminham designs so have emailed Katrina for the threads as I got them from her for TOF at 25p each!

Can't wait to start them.

Also having requested the Winter Sampler from Mag 181 I have received 3 sets of pages and 1 whole magazine, women are so generous. I am sending my home made cards as thanks to all of them although it is such an effort to sit at the table with my knee at the moment!

Did too much yesterday but the kitchen was such a mess and there was all Emily's washing as she was back from her very wet camping holiday! Anyway I was in agony last evening and reduced to tears, I was in bed with an ice pack at 8!

Week 4 plus after my op

I was to and fro to the hospital yesterday for my check up on this wound infection in an hour!! Because they forgot to order the ambulance and I had taxis! Less than £10 so well worth it. I saw the Registrar that was on the ward, very nice and took time to ask how I was generally and how was the pain now etc. I did feel he was talking to me and not just another patient! Anyway the antibiotics are suited to the infection I had as the swab results were back and so I have to carry on and finish the dose which is thursday night, roll on thursday! And I don't have to go again till my 6 week appointment which is the 26th August unless I feel unwell and then to go into casuatly PDQ so I feel happy with that.

I wandered round the shop there bought a card Magazine, some Fudge and packet of Werthers, so I am happy! For the first time I am not desperate for my pain killers which were due at 12noon today so things are looking up.
It has made me feel a lot more with it and in the hospital shop there was a money machine so I have money again!!

At the weekend Mike said he'll drive me to Boots to get a few toiletries so that will be nice. We are expecting more visitors on sunday, Mike's son George, his partner Zena and baby Carter who will be three in October, so another busy weekend. My daughter and family came two weekends ago and last weekend my son and his partner. Trouble is although I don't do anything just smile and chat it leaves me exhausted and I have to spend monday in bed!

My BIL Pete's funeral is next tuesday and I have already said I won't be going. Its a burial and Mike said its a long way to walk, anyway I can't cope for longer than half an hour sitting or standing before I feel like dropping. I am spending most of my time in bed, as I still need a nanny nap in the afternoons.
I don't feel ready to get out and about yet but will probably be back in action in September.

And great news I have 'been' this morning so thats made me feel better too!

Monday 11 August 2008

4`weeks on...

...... Its four weeks since my knee op and actually today I can honestly say that the pain is less... however the antibiotics are upsetting my tum and I am tired after yesterdays visitors and this little dachshound Maisie we are looking after! Apart from barking way into the night, this morning we were woken at 5 by her howling!

So I am going to have a sleep this afternoon as I feel exhausted.

She has peed and pood every where in spite of my taking her outside every hour and left alone she barks and barks. Great upset with my own little poodle Boysie last evening as Maisie went into his bed!

I am still fussing this exchange napkin and really should have posted it off by now but I wanted to make those little cubes as a tied napkin ring but wonder now if I'll have time or the concentration... but who knows.. I am off for a nanny nap now and might feel full of beans when I get up!

Tuesday 5 August 2008

Already August

I seem to have neglected this blog because of visitors but more than that my knee!
I had quite a stressful Friday morning. I went off to my physio appointment and got there and didn’t feel well, In fact the physio said I looked ill and I felt ill too.
She looked at my wound and said it looked infected and best get to my own Dr So I phoned Mike and he phoned the surgery.. And the Dr phoned me while I was still at the hospital waiting for the ambulance to go home and said he’d thought he should see my knee. So Mike picked me up and took me and I am on some strong antibiotics.

I had an appointment to see a surgeon Saturday morning at the hospital. So now I have had blood tests and swabs of my wound. A bit scary as it could be internal I have taken the all doses of the antibiotics and if at anytime I feel worse I am to get into casualty! So a bit of a drawback...I am back to see the surgical team on wednesday morning and to get the results of the tests I had so I hope they will give me the all clear.
I am still having a lot of pain and last night was the worse for a while as I got up for the loo and couldn't get back to sleep because of the pain. So I took 2 paracetamol which means I can't have the full dose today but this morning after I took my usual dose of codeine and paracetamol at 6:30am I went back to sleep and slept till 10 am. I feel much better.
Mike has gone to a job in Liverpool and has just phoned to say its pouring with rain and looks like it was a wasted journey so might be home tonight after all.

But with all this I haven't done any cross stitch at all, the linen that arrived for the napkin wasn't what I wanted it was more of a canvas so I have ordered some aida Count 18... hope it will arrive today!