Last weekend we had a lovely few days away down in South Wales, it was right near the coast in Marcross, a very small village which was within sound of the sea. It didn’t have a sandy beach just rocks and high cliffs and a working light house at Nash Point.This is between Barry and Porthcawl on the Glamorgan Heritage Coast There are two lighthouse towers. These were built in 1832 and were sited exactly 1000 feet apart being originally used to assist navigators to avoid the Nash Sandbank, a notorious shipping hazard. The lower west light was laterdismantled leaving just the tower; the east light remains in use. This one was the last one to be manned in Wales, being automated in 1998.

We stayed in Pear Tree cottage which was very comfortable and was very well equipped. . It was quiet and peaceful and away from the world! Too away for me, one thing it did for me was to bring home that out in the country is NOT for me! Although it is nice to get away from everything for a change, you’d have to be very organised with your food shopping as there was no shop to pop into if you forgot something! I took this photo to show the name on the gate but you can't see it!
This was the view from our bedroom, very pretty but bleak! Lots of sheep around so Nell stayed on her extended lead..
We spotted these primroses on the bank as we walked down the lane back from the light house, so pretty and growing wild. There were lots of daffodils every where but not the small pale ones that are wild, but a nice splash of colour as you drive along.
This is DH standing in the door way of the conservatory where we ate our mealsOne afternoon we opened the blinds and we were too hot!! And here is Nell's back she would not turn round!
We visited Porthcawl which is the town where I was born and grew up, just to put flowers on my mother's, grandparents' and Aunts' graves. Something I do every year... it always make me feel sad to see my mother's grave as she died when I was two and half years old, so the mother I never knew.
I spent many happy days here on the sandy beach and on the fair ground. My father's sister my Aunty Rene worked on one of the rides, so I had lots and lots and lots of goes on it!
My own children loved it when we used to visit when they were little.. A busy little holiday town and this fair ground and beach was only 5 minutes from where I lived. As child there, my friends and I went to the beach unsupervised by adults, not something that happens today. None of us drowned the worst thing to happen was you might lose an item of clothing if the sea came in where we had left our little pile with our towels. Such freedom, those were the days when children left their homes in the morning and went home when you were hungry or it went dark.. all day out and about playing!
Back home we feel refreshed although all this rain has prevented us from going to the allotment or doing our back garden. I do have tomato seeds all germinated and lots of flowers, as I decided if I have to stay here I am going to have this small garden full of flowers! The daffodils, tete a tete and jet fire ones have brightened up the garden and lovely to see even if it is through the curtain of sleet and rain!