Friday 25 March 2011

Framed and dancing all the way!

I have framed this myself and I am very pleased with my efforts. I carefully pinned and stretched the piece of work and measured it in mm.  The frame is dark blue and really suits the stitching. Sorry about the flash on the glass but this was the best photograph  I could do. This is going to be my leaving present for the church I have been attending here in Coventry.
Thank you to Clare who told me about this frame shop in Coventry I think  I will be using it again.
Happy Stitching all

Wednesday 23 March 2011

A RAK arrived!

Crystal in Canada was one of my RAK winners and on the 25th February she had Samuel.. I didn't know she was expecting, it was such a surprise as I have only been following her blog for a while. I had this wool and the pattern, which I had bought for a work  in school, whose scan according to them, was a boy. I think they were quite surprised when little Megan popped out! So I knitted a little pink cardi instead!
So when Crystal announced she had Sam I got knitting right away. The needle roll was a quick stitch as I had stitched one in a different colour a couple of years ago. It wasn't what I intended to do origially but I wanted Crystal to have the jumper as soon as possible.

It is not a baby first size as Sam was over 9 pounds born so I do hope it fits.
Love to you Crystal and Sam and all your family, I remember that your daughter is off on a trip, hope she is enjoying herself and you're not missing her too much.

Brought back lovely memories when I was knitting, as all my sons are very grown and tower over me and my DD has her own three children, all growning up very fast. I can't believe my GD will be 17 this summer.
I used to make all my childrens clothes and never stopped sewing and knitting... those were happy days.

Saturday 19 March 2011

Meet Up and a pressie

Today it was the Meet Up in Nuneaton of the Needlecraft Haven-ers.. there were 23 of us all stitching and maybe a small amount of chatting!! LOL

Lots of amazing finished work which was beautiful. Such talent I was in awe of the beautiful stitching.
This is Julie (bagpuss) and Tina and as you see stitching, their needles were smoking!
Clare organised the day and seen here with the blue scarf, Lynsey as well and all stitching!
Its Maggie hiding behind her tapistry

And when I got home after a lovely day, this was waiting for me.
And inside this beautifully stitched little pillow from Sue (As if by Magic)
She had offered a PIF on her blog and I won.
The stitching is exquisit and the colours lovely. I love it Sue, thank you very much.
I love the way she has added beads to the ribbon, very artistic.

Thank you again Sue. I offered a RAK instead of a PIF and I am stitching away.....
After a lovely day I am so tired so having an early night... all that chatting... no stitching has worn me out!
Happy Days everyone
Hugs Chris x

Friday 18 March 2011

Happy dancing and a tra la la!

I have finished this in record time.. so off this morning to arrange for it to be framed. It is for the church I have been attending these last four years, the best part of Coventry!
I like it in all the different colour blues and His Name is Jesus in the darker colour so it stands out. I am very pleased with myself for getting it stitched in such a short time. ( I started it on 25th February)

And here is Sal Aux Bouquet all kitted up and ready to go. I am using 32C even weave in cream and the recommended DMC threads. I have down loaded the first two parts and will buy number III when it comes out. 
It is a SAL on the French web site hence the name, but I am in a SAL with Needlecraft Haven. It was planned to start on the 15th March, but I wanted to finish one of my WIPs before I started it. I might have a few things on the go but I like to finish one thing before I start another!
That way I don't feel so guilty starting some thing new even though I have others to stitch. Anyway my explanation is with a few things on the go I don't get board because I always have some thing different to stitch!
Tomorrow is  the Meet Up of the Needlecraft Haven-ers in Nuneaton so I am really looking forward to that!
Happy Stitching and aren't the spring flowers beautiful... gives me a boost when ever I see them.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Some pics at last and busy days

I have been having problems down loading photographs, so frustrating.. but today its worked Yipee!!
So here are some progress pics.. my 'His Name' design is coming along nicely and I hope to finish this by next week as I want to take part in the Sampler-au-Bouquet Sal..
I have down loaded the charts and have sufficient Antique White 32C even weave and the threads.. so can't wait to get started.
My Spring Quaker by Rosewood Manor is coming along slowly too.  I intend for this be my long term project so I only do one motif or part of a motif each week. So I finished last weeks big motif and did the small one next to it. I still love it.
I have completed one of my RAK pressies and it is ready to post. I don't usually complete just one when I am doing something like this, but there was a very special reason for doing this which will be revealed when it has arrived with the recipient.
My other stitching has gone into my WIPs bag and will have to stay there until  'His Name' design is finished, as I need to give it to my church before the end of April.. which seems an age away but it will have to be framed first.
We have been very busy in the house too, yesterday I part painted our front wicker fence. I say part as I was hours and it was dusk when I came in with the intention of finishing today, but  the sudden showers stopped me. This was just as well as all the bending over yesterday was not good for my back!! Poor ol' me!
We have a beautiful kitchen free of clutter with shining kitchen cupboard doors with new pine knobs and the new hall stairs and landing carpet looks very good. We have strips of the cut offs to protect where we walk!!
So we will soon be ready to go up for sale; At last!
We are off to my DIL's birthday meal on Friday and I have actually made a hair appointment! All her family will be there and so I don't want to let my son down.
What I am reading now.                                We seem to be busy all the time and this afternoon was my Library ReadingGroup, which was very interesting

This was the choice for March and for once we discussed this for the whole hour! Quite unusual as sometimes we go off the book. I loved it and so led the group as some of the others didn't get it finished. 
A good read and worth persevering past the first two chapters as it was a
bit confusing at first!!
Happy Stitching all  