These were to be my March socks but ended up as my April 1st socks, just couldn't get them knitted in time. I had a couple of evenings when I did nothing, no knitting or cross stitch! Most unusual for me but I was so tired.
This is two weeks work as no batteries for my camera last week. I have completed a small motif and the word Tulip and a bigger motif. I am still delighted with this and love the colour combination of each motif.
It is on target to be a years stitch!
And my new start on the French Sampler au Bouquet is coming along nicely.
I am happily in the SAL in the Needlecraft Haven group with this.
However with this sunny weather knitting and stitching has been left to garden!
We are here in Billericay as we are having a conservatory built and it is nearly completed. We should be returning to Coventry next week and we will be packing stuff to move here permanently.
I am so excited!! Like a silly little girl! Every time I drive out somewhere I have to drive back through the little town just to see it all over again!
Thank you for all the lovely comments on my framed design 'His Name' for my church.. I have sent the link to all of you who asked for the web site, some nice things on it and all free.
Hope you're enjoying this sunny warm weather where ever you are.