Monday 30 June 2014

Some cross stitch to post about at last!

Some pictures of cross stitch at last. I bet you were all thinking was I ever going to stitch anything  again. It's been such a long time since I have posted anything about stitching.
This was the Summer exchange on NH
I sent this little pillow and as the person I sent to loves France I translated the words Summer Time into French... so it says..L' heure D’ été ...roughly translated The Hour of Summer! 

And into the little cloud I stitched  some silver thread so her clouds would always have a silver lining.
I received this, which I will use when DH and I have coffee in our conservatory.. which has been painted at last.. you can just see the wall behind. The colour is called 'Willow' which will suit our lounge/ dining room colours which is all on the way to be changed from the gold/ raspberry pinks to aqua greens and red and beige plaid covered furniture..

Its all happening but oh so slowly trying to coordinate furniture, carpets and plasterer for the artex ceiling is not an easy feat!
But happy days, it will all be done in time.

It's a brilliantly sunshiny day after yesterdays drizzle in which the Community Choir of which we are members, sang in the rain in the park! We must be mad!!

Love to all.. I am walking in the park with DH and our dog Nell now, the first day of my new regime! And I am feeling good and in the pink!! Tra la la

Saturday 28 June 2014

I am such a 'goose!'

I am such a goose.. there are so many horrible things happening in the world and I go on about being fat!
It's a beautiful sunshiny day. I am an adult I can chose what to do.

Eat, drink what I want and I know what is best for me so no more minny- moaning..
I can enjoy the day and be happy it's within my grasp all I have to do is breathe!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the positive comments. You have boosted me up and I am raring to go.. hopped out of bed this morning, knowing today is going to be a good day..I have had my hair done and the day is mine!
Happy days all.



Thursday 26 June 2014

A weeks rest....

I have had a week’s rest.. rest from what you might ask.. the diet of course!
I just needed to let it go for a few days and now I have gained 1 ½ pounds.. it started with the strawberry jam, which you have to eat with scones and clotted cream and then yesterday a grand blow out. No.... not lots of chocolate biscuits but tasty bits for lunch from Waitrose. Spicy chicken pieces, veg spring rolls, and BBQ ribs with garlic bread and then lemon cheese cake with thick cream to finish. So I suppose I should be glad it is only 1 ½ pounds. It could have been more.
So today is a new day, back to the food plan and I will go for a walk. I say that every day and every day my DH goes by himself with the dog. But TODAY I will ...I really will. So I best get myself off this butt magnet.. blogging takes time. Not the writing but reading other blogs and then there is my other favourite waste of time… Pinterest.
Being overweight isn’t something a slim sylph like person could understand, its more than just fat, it’s a whole world of misery. Every day you are hit with it. TV ads, clothes shops that only sell tops and dresses that look as though they haven’t use even a half a yard to make, draped on stick thin mannequins. Drink more water, only eat fat free, walk lots, don't eat this, don't eat that.. its a world for thin people!
Shop windows positioned to show you how much blubber you have. The sight of that should be enough to give me a kick up the bum but no....  I am miserable again and feel I have failed when I was doing so well.
But today is a new day… watch out walking shoes here I come!  

PS Does anybody know if you lose a lot of weigh, do you lose it off your feet as well?


Wednesday 25 June 2014

A silly regret

My grand daughter will be 20 this summer... where did those years go?
I was there holding her mum's hand when she was in labour!
I bought this violin and loved to hear her practice.
She moved on to a bass guitar when she was 18!
We went to the pub one evening when I popped to see them all.
And she played in the garden there.
Happy days.
She modelled her schools uniform and this photo is still on their site.
In fact that year her photo was used for their open day posters and she fronted the web site's first page.
And I love this one of her, which I snagged from her FB page..
When I said I looked at her FB page, she said, ' Grandma are you checking up on me?'
'Not at all,' I said with my fingers crossed behind my back!

I remember one time when she arrived home from school earlier than her Mum expected and no one was home. It was winter and getting dark. Mum didn't answer her phone and so she phoned Grandma.
I phoned back and kept talking to her as she squatted down in the porch waiting for her Mum for half an hour or so.
Lots of happy memories but I have this regret... I never pushed her in her pram.
Silly or what...but I bought that pram, ME!!  And it cost a lot.. so when I am feeling old and crotchety I think to myself..
 I never pushed her in that pram!!


Friday 20 June 2014

Strawberries mean jam making

Here is my lovely man making strawberry jam.
It was our second batch as we had been to a PYO farm and came home with several baskets full.
Now we need some scones to eat with it all and of course some thick cream.
Doesn't that jam look tempting.
Shhhhh don't mention diet!
 I found these very pretty dishes and the jug, which is our new utensil jar as our other one fell to pieces. I had bought it many years ago in Portugal. This one and the bowls are perfect for our updated kitchen. I found them at a very nice garden centre when I was lunching with a friend.
They are so pretty and bright and quite beautiful.
It was a really nice time with her, I have known her for years and we meet once a  month for lunch. We like to try new places and this one on Wednesday was very nice. Lush coffee and walnut cake with coffee to finish! Opps not the diet but a special day out with my friend. We then crossed the road to this rather nice garden centre and spent a very happy hour looking at the plants and then all the pretty knick naks, books, cards and pictures inside. And when I saw these I didn't need to look twice, I loved them from the first moment  I saw them. It was a perfect day, although ordinary in some ways.
I like my life to be full of spectacular ordinary days that are sprinkled with special days.
Happy days

Sunday 15 June 2014

New Project

 Still here but very busy! I have been cross  stitching for an exchange so obviously I can't show it here now, but will once it has been received.
And we have been trying to get our garden straight.
Also I have started a quilt for my grandson who is hoping to go to Uni in September. I made one for his sister so obviously I had to make one for him.
It is 'manly' colours as it should be as he is a young man of 18.. can't be fluffy teddies or toy cars.
I have chosen some woodland colours and am pleased with my choice.

I will finish it with a cream coloured sashing, and then hand quilt with cross hatching.
I have put my tulip quilt to one side to get this done.
Happy sewing or what ever you're doing.





Sunday 1 June 2014

My latest quilting project

When I saw this on some ones board on Pinterest I had to find it so I could make it myself.
It is in a book called 'Quilty Fun' by Lori Holt.
I asked one of my sons to buy it for me for Christmas and since then it has been on my mind to get started.
  So here it is.. I did a little yesterday at my sewing workshop that I go to each week

I am hand sewing the tulips because they have quite small pieces to piece.. but I will probably machine sew the squares.  The one thing about hand sewing you can take it with you, or do a little in a relax time from the gardening.. anyway I am enjoying it and love it even more.
I do love this quilting but I still cross stitch along side it, can't just be doing one thing!!LOL

Hope you're all enjoying this glorious sunshiny weather too, to me it just lifts my heart and makes me want to fly!

A thank you to all that leave a comments and welcome to my new's so exciting to look at other blogs and to realise that even those of you the other side of the world, make and do the same as myself!
