Tuesday 22 October 2024

Reading is good for you!

 I have a life long love of reading, so the library is very important to me.. So I was horrified to find when we moved here, the new library is not in the main high street of the town. And even worse, it was up steps with an 'S' shaped ramp if you can't manage the steps, and even worse the ramp is over hung with trees, so lots of drippy wet drops when it rains and also in high winds the ramp is closed incase a branch breaks and falls! We didn't get to the Book group last week, because it was raining too heavily and even with macs and an umbrella we'd have been soaked. I've read this week that libraries are closing down because of lack of use and 160 are now being manned by volunteers paid in some instances by the local charity of the town where it is sited. This in my view is awful as it has been proven and researched to show...

Reading is good for you!

It is a known fact that reading has benefits.. it boosts mental cognition. It seems that simply imagining about running while reading about it, can trigger the neurons related to the physical act of running, therefore enhancing connectivity in specific parts of the brain. Neuroscientists involved in the study said ' reading a griping novel makes changes in the way the brain connects the different circuits. This research may explain why readers often find it easier to make decisions, plan, prioritize, and access their creative side.  

It aids sleep, reading has a calming effect, and when it becomes a  nightly ritual, there is signaling to the brain that it is time to wind down and helps to regulate the body clock.

Reading is thought to reduce stress helping to lower the heart rate and ease tension in the muscles, even better it is suggested than walking or listening to music. 

It improves life satisfaction, on average readers are more happy than non readers.. Studies have shown that those, who read for pleasure have a higher level of self esteem than those who don't and cope with difficult situations more easily.

It may help you to live longer..simply picking up a book could mean living longer. According to research reading a chapter a day might actually keep the Dr away! A study of 3,635 people by Yale University found that book worms tend to live longer, maybe up to 2 years longer. Other research has shown that reading can significantly slow brain aging, this includes improvements in memory, visuospatial skills and attention.

If you want to find out more about this, you'll find it at https://ultimatelibrary.co.uk/

I knew there was a good reason to why I loved reading and so now I know!


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