Monday 28 October 2024

The Wilderness.

 My town has an area of urban green space near to the town centre, known as The Wilderness,  Its cared for by volunteers who visit there every morning to feed the swans.

The lake was enlarged about 20 years ago and supports a variety of fish and now is about 3 acres.

It's a beautiful area and valued by the town's people.. there was an item on the town's face book page the other week, about a cygnet found floundering on the duel carriage way, which used to be the railway and runs parallel to the Wilderness; it was supposed that it was a failed first flight and guided back to the lake! It's visited each year by Canada Geese, which we often see flying over our home, both night and morning.

The hen, named Angel has a deformed wing, but is perfectly alright and has had several broods in the three years she has been there

It is teaming with wild life, birds, trees and small creatures and in 2020 a group of volunteers planted 2000 bluebells and 2000 daffodils.

Why am I telling you all this is because, when I was little I played there with school friends and it was just a scrubby area with a thin trickle of a stream. I often went home with wet muddy knicks where I had slipped over.. there wasn't any visible wild life, just a lot of screaming children. It was a heavenly place to play altho' not approved by my grandmother, but then who would have told her where I had been? I certainly didn't and there was a neighbour often around to clean me up before I ventured home!

I was amazed when I moved back here 3 years ago, how different it was.. thankfully it will always be looked after by groups of volunteers. 

A truly beautiful place well worth looking after.


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