Saturday 11 May 2024

What was it??

When we were getting ready for bed Thursday evening, I' d gone to get my drink for the night in the kitchen, and ouch something hurt my big toe on my left foot. as usual I had kicked off my shoes while we were watching TV, so was bare footed. 

I carried on to the bathroom, and gently brush the bottom of my foot. I asked Dh to look at my foot, he got our big torch to see if there was anything there. Then carefully with my tweezers he inched out what he thought was a very small splinter. Strange as we have laminate flooring in the kitchen, so couldn't have been that.

Anyway as my arm from my covid jab was 'buzzing' I took some paracetamol and I decided as Friday morning is our SW meeting, I put an antihistamine tab, that is prescribed for sleep ready to take, so I wouldn't be awake half the night. 

I did go to sleep, but woke at 1:00am for the loo and tried to get back to sleep.. my left big toe was hurting, it wasn't that bad but enough to stop me from sleeping. I huffed and puffed and got in and out of bed a few times. By now my toe was on fire and itching. I woke Dh and he had another look, yes my toe was red and hot. We found some TCP, yonks old, it calmed it down. We were now wide awake so we had a cup of tea and by this time, it was more than 4 hours when I had taken the paracetamol, so I had some with the tea. Dh rubbed my toe with the TCP and with the tabs it had calmed down. It was 4 when we were climbing back into bed. And I slept and slept, I did have to visit the loo again, after that cuppa, but then we over slept and it was nearly 9 when we woke, so we didn't get to SW.

After I'd showered Dh had another look at my toe and we decided it was a bite rather than a splinter, so cortisone cream for bites and bliss the itching stopped.. I have worn my slippers this evening, although I don't like them,  as they don't fit that well and I feel unsafe wearing them. 

It was not a good night and we haven't done anything to the garden, because the temps have been in the high twenties, much too hot to be in the sun. But we did go out and bought some new big garden pots for all the plants I've grown.. the tomatoes are looking good in their permanent pots in front of the west facing wall, it gets very hot there and they have done well there in other years.

So I wonder what it was that caused my toe so much grief! 



Angela said...

Oh that's horrid. I get bad reactions to bites, and they always trouble me most at night. I hope your toe settles down soon.

jabblog said...

Whatever it was, I hope it stays away!

Maggie said...

Hope the soreness in your toe eases, bites can be nasty. It could have been anything really. I always used to get bitten on holiday, now I even get bitten in our garden, just last week something got me! Usually it's those tiny tiny black flies that you can hardly see but can cause a lot of irritation when they bite.

Sooze said...

It does sound like a sting. Wonder what it was? Hope the toe's feeling better now.....sounds like you'll both need a snooze this afternoon!

Live and Learn said...

A bite on the toe sounds really annoying (and painful). Maybe a spider bite?

Mari said...

Uuugh! And that kind of thing is the worst in the middle of the night.
Hope tomight you sleep well!

Joy said...

That sounds nasty and things do seem to feel worse in the night - because there are no distractions, I guess.
Hoping it continues to improve. xx

Lynn and Precious said...

Could have been a spider. I had one on the tip of a finger years ago and boy that hurt for 3 days.

Julia said...

It sounds to me like a spider bite. I do hope it is feeling better today. And I hope you can rest well tonight and make up some sleep.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

Hope your foot is better today, Chris xx

Bless said...

Whatever it was, I hope your toe is better, now.