Thursday 9 May 2024

I don't believe it!!

 My umpteenth covid jab was booked for yesterday afternoon. Although I know it doesn't hurt I get anxious about them, so before we went I sat in the garden to relax. It was warm without the blazing sun of Sunday and there was a gentle breeze, so perfect.

There is still lots to do in the flower beds, we've got dahlia's and other flowers to plant, all sprouting in our little greenhouse. But the  green of the grass, the birds singing was all I needed.

 It was peaceful and calm and I felt calm, Dh brought me a drink and joined me.. we got ready to leave, even though it was a bit early. I hate to be late for appointments. It's about 25 mins drive at the 20mph, now law in Wales.. we were there in plenty of time and no queue so I went straight in. The nurse giving the jab was very pleasant and I hardly felt it.
Home before we been out an hour. We went straight to sit outside with a cuppa..... and shock horror there were cat paw prints across the patio, our beautifully clean patio!!!. I sounded like Victor I shouted..'I don't believe it.'

We had put netting over a gap where the copper beech hedge meets the fence to keep him out.. grrrrrr he keeps pooping in our flower beds and veg patch, so war is declared.. we will spray him with water, just enough to frighten him off, not to drown him, but something I know that will work. In the past we've tried all sorts of things, even bought lion poo, to no avail, without Nell we're at the mercy of this furry poop machine.
Hope I haven't upset too many cat lovers, but cat poo is horrid!


Jules said...

Oh no! They can be a nuisance. I have a supersoaker by the door, in an attempt to get rid of a visiting tom, but it hasn't had much of an affect - my aim is improving, however :) Have you tried one of those sonic devices? Xx

Joy said...

It really is horrid, especially over someone else's garden!! I am lucky at the moment but have had to take preventative measures in the past and I sympathise. xx

jabblog said...

Our cats always come indoors to use the litter trays :-) but I do sympathise.

Sue in Suffolk said...

I have a love/hate relationship with next door's cat - Love cats - hate their poo in my garden. But she hops over the 6 foot high fence with no trouble at all so it's difficult to keep her out!

Liz Hinds said...

Injections do hurt! Only for a second but ouch. Cat poo is horrid.

Lynn and Precious said...

Believe me, I am not upset by your plan. Precious and all my previous cats stayed indoors all the time. I worry about outside problems of all kinds for kitties. But our neighbors think the whole outside is a giant litter box. And not to mention the male cats spraying on every patio pot and the cat nip plant I grow! I keep a metal fence around it or they would just roll in it til it is broken.
Glad your vaccination went well. Your yard is simply lovely.

Mari said...

I like cats, but like them best on their own property! And if they are pooping on yours, that's even worse! Good luck on keeping him away.
You yard is so pretty!

Anonymous said...

I know someone who, if they recognised the cat, threw the poo into the owners garden.

Chris said...

We don't usually have problems with cat intruders as cats here are mostly kept indoors. Now, raccoons are an entirely different matter!

Julia said...

I'm glad you have such a lovely, calming garden to relax in and enjoy. Having an outdoor space whether big or small is so important. Glad to hear your appointment went well.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

I sympathise with you over the cat poo in the garden. Very nasty in the flower and veg beds. I always where gloves now just in case. We don't have many cats around here at the moment and our son's cats are indoor ones which is fine and we love them. Glad the jabs went ok .