Friday 3 May 2024

10 Positives about you?

 At our SW meeting last week we were asked to think of 10 positive and /or good things about ourselves.

Me,, ummmm ??

People compliment me on my complexion. 

I have good nails. umm

I smile a lot.


Prompted then by our SW consultant. 

I keep on trying.

I'm a happy person.

I compliment other people.

I give good ideas and suggestions 

And then I umm-ed and Ahh-ed and Dh said that I was a good supervisor when he gardened! Ha ha

And also I don't snore.(yes he can)

So now you know I'm not exactly scintillating! ( But I do have good skin and nails!)

What about you?



Jules said...

Why is it always so hard to think of positives about ourselves, when it is almost second nature to put ourselves down.
I would say that I'm generally a happy person, always willing to help others. That's what my colleagues say, anyway :)

Sooze said...

That's hard, I don't tend to think about positives in myself, more the negatives!

jabblog said...

I prefer to let people make their own assessments of me. I really hate being put on the spot, but there is one thing I can say and that is that I am a good listener.

Live and Learn said...

What is a SW meeting? I would say that I can find the best in people or a situation.

Lynn and Precious said...

I guess it is a positive thing to do now and then. Think on what our personal best are. Not many compliments in the world today and I tend to forget I am a good person with some great qualities.

Marie Smith said...

I am a joyful person is always where I start.

Lowcarb team member said...

I always do my best to keep positive and to keep smiling :)

All the best Jan

Bless said...

That question made me stop and think! I'm generally good at counting my blessings, but, I don't often list positive things about myself!