Friday 9 August 2024

The hope of a Rainbow.

We've been watching the news, and are horrified to see the towns that are experiencing these horrendous anti-racist riots. What's wrong with people, when did this get so bad that people have to be so violent?

Its suggested it has all been triggered by the stabbing of the three little girls, Bebe, Elsie and Alice, innocent little girls enjoying a yoga and Taylor Swift themed dance workshop.

Are these educated people? I think not. We watched in horror on our TV screen, as an Asian owner of a corner shop, watched remotely a video of his shop being ransacked and looted with things being stolen. What had sweeping cigarettes and other items into bags got to do with keeping the illegal immigrants out of Britain?

We live here in Porthcawl where apart from the complaints about the parking, its quiet here, lets hope and pray that it stays that way and that everywhere else calms down.
Poor people who are suffering from these riots, I hope its not happening near you.



jabblog said...

I think it has been quite a shock to the fascist rioters to see so many hundreds of people coming out to oppose them. That and the courts meting out swift judgements might make the idiots think again.

Marie Smith said...

A world in turmoil needs a solution. The rioting is not it!

Lynn and Precious said...

It is sadly terrifying in our world today. we moved away from a very very large city 17 years ago to rural living and have been grateful every day we did and we could. Why do adults prey on children for any reason is beyond what I wish was true humane living.

Latane Barton said...

Chris, I just don't know how people got so evil. But, then of course, we have always had evil people among us. Having more people on earth and every action that they take blasted on television and in the news just makes it seem so in our faces! I can't figure out how people want to hurt other people.

Tracy said...

It must be absolutely terrifying for anyone caught up in the rioting and my heart goes out to them.

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

I don't understand the hatred and discontent sweeping around the world right now. I feel badly for Taylor Swift, too, who is targeted and bullied online something awful and to have her the target of a terrorist threat is just pure evil for evil's sake.