Sunday 3 December 2023

What a miserable day, but we were entertained...

It has rained off and on all day here, but looking at the UK weather chart. we got off fairly lightly. Areas up north have had snow, so I'll take the rain any day over snow. And we've been entertained by our visiting birds. (All pics are stock pics)

We have watched these birds visiting our bird feeders, 
Long Tail Tits, Coal Tits,
                                The Robin and Coal Tits.

We've also had Gold Finches and of course those cheeky Sparrows.

And we had to put the coconut on string as the Magpies were perching on the arm of the feeder and taking chunks out of it.

I know some people don't like magpies, but last year we watched a family with a brood of three. Noisy lot, but so funny, hopping on the lawn screeching to their parents, feed me. feed me!

And when it was raining we watch a couple sheltering under the over hang, perched on the arm of the sky dish of the big house behind us! Some times peeping around the 'dish'!

We love watching the birds, and we're pleased there are so many here as we didn't think we would.. but there is a lot of countryside around us.



susanB said...

I love watching birds too. You don’t seem to see so many once we are into winter.

It’s a thrill to see all the small birds and’ if you can afford it’ put out the appropriate food. Cheaply bought bags of apples. Cut them them up and spread them around the garden.

Joy said...

Lovely photos, thanks. xx

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

We enjoy watching the birds too. However I put up two bird feeders and the squirrels have really eaten most of the seed. We do see some cardinals, finches, and blue jays !

Sue said...

We've been watching the birds too, I feel so sorry for them at this time of year when it's so wet and cold. Magpies are a nuisance taking all the food as are the pigeons too but as long as the little birds can get some then they are welcome to come and feed.xx

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

It is lovely to see the small birds visiting to feed. We have a bit of a problem with pigeons but they are very funny to watch when they sit on our wooden archway. D says it has been better than watching any soap opera with their antics this year :-)