Saturday 23 December 2023

Ready or not it will arrive!

So are you ready?? 

Why do we put ourselves under such pressure.. I've said to Dh, will it matter if we haven't vac-ed the lounge,  cleaned the windows, or swept up the leaves by the  front door? No, it won't and I won't be bothered if we don't get those things done, we will still have Christmas.

Today I went to have my hair done, and when we got back by the time we'd had a coffee and chatted, there was only time to whoosh the bathroom, eat our leek and potato soup, before it was time to drive to pick up our groceries. We had a 'click and collect' as we missed the 'window' to book a delivery.

Its really easy, as there's an area for it before you enter the car park, so we're usually in and out in no time, but today there was a queue... although we only had to wait about 10 mins. 

We checked through everything as we unpacked and Dh started to laugh. He likes to have pork pie for breakfast on Christmas day, odd?? Evidently its a 'thing' in W Midlands!

He had ordered a 440g one and they had substituted it for a 790g one!! So it will be enough for several breakfasts, lunches and teas! Really, I think he was rather pleased!

All else was fine and we had collected our duck from our home town butcher in the morning, so all's well and we'll be ready, even with windows that need cleaning!



Back2OurSmallCorner said...

Have a wonderful Christmas, Chris and I hope your husband enjoys his pork pie 🙂

Chris said...

Yes, the pressure is unrelenting if we allow it to take over. I am trying to stay relaxed, think I am ready and still have a day to spare!

Granny Marigold said...

I lost my first comment so I'll try again.
I wanted to wish you a very happy and blessed Christmas 🎄🎄🎄
Also...belated birthday wishes. Granny M

Granny Marigold said...

I'm just popping in to wish you a very happy and blessed Christmas. 💗Also...belated birthday wishes. Granny M

Poppy and Me said...

Wait till 2024 and then start the New Year with sparkling windows! if you want to mine in Suffolk are also in need of a clean especially where Poppy puts her nose on them in order to tell me she wants to come in. Happy Christmas from Val and Poppy who is having a new collar for Christmas (shush don't tell her) x

Marie Smith said...

The windows aren’t done here either. No problem though. We’re ready too. Merry Christmas!