Sunday 24 December 2023


 We've finished our advent jigsaw, it wasn't easy.. Dh did most of it after the first few days! I got fed up!

Each 42 pieces came in their own numbered box and the back of each piece is numbered too, 1008 pieces.

I did the 24th day this morning.
I don't know if we'd do another one, having it on our dining room table has meant lifting the board off for meals.
I expect we'll do a jigsaw after Christmas as a winter activity.

Dh is busy in the kitchen cooking the Jamie Oliver gravy, roasted veg, bashed chicken wings and herbs, he loves to faff around in the kitchen!
And if you wondering did we cut that huge pork pie and have some for breakfast today?? Of course we did, I had a small slice but still a bit much for me, so just having an oxo for my lunch! No Sunday dinner today we're having steak and salad this evening instead.
One more sleep!


Marie Smith said...

We have a puzzle spread out on the dining room table which has to be shifted around too. It is a tough one which we hope to complete but sometimes, we are doubtful.

Merry Christmas!

Polly said...

Well done with the jigsaw. I'm struggling with a 1000 piece Christmas one, it's lovely but also frustrating! Merry Christmas :-)