Monday 11 December 2023

A new day! And found!

Doesn't the world look better when you've slept well and the sun is shining?
This is where we get our coffees when we walk along the front promenade, very nice coffee and cakes which we manage to resist, ........well most times! We call it the Pod!
While I feel tip top today, Dh says he has 'wosit!' You might wonder what that is, its?? Just not 100% he says! 
My middle son has just phoned, he's feeling really good, which is great to hear, as this time last year he was recovering from a triple bypass after a heart attack. All my children have inherited high cholesterol levels from their father; surprisingly not me, as I'm very over weight. 
Weight wise, I'm working on one last push at the SW plan before Christmas. So far so good after last weeks mince pies, we've decided to not buy anymore till nearer Christmas! 
Thank you for your response to my last post and I've found her blog, so many thanks again.
Have a happy day all.



Marie Smith said...

Glad to hear your son is doing well following by-pass surgery! My husband had high cholesterol but meds did the trick. I eat the same but my cholesterol is perfect.

Polly said...

Hello Chris, I'm flattered that you remembered so many details of my blog, and very pleased that you found me :-) I'm glad to hear your son is doing well. Sunshine always makes me feel happier. I'm envious of where you live,the parts of South Wales I have visited are beautiful, and it's always lovely near the sea. I hope we have a happy future following each other.

Danielle L Zecher said...

It's amazing what sleep and sunshine can do.

I'm also in the overweight, but have surprisingly good cholesterol group. It seems like genetics really factor in with that one.