Sunday 10 December 2023

OAP, Who are you?

Hello Bloggers. Isn't it sad when one of us stops blogging not because of illness or death, but just because blogging has lost its need or lack of enthusiasm. 
Like many, I sometimes feel my everyday happenings are not that interesting, but then the comments spur me on. And I love to read what other bloggers are doing, you're all so interesting!
Friday while blog hopping, I came across one that I really enjoyed reading, but I didn't make a note of it, so can't find it again.
I left a comment so I hope that person may be curious and follow my name, so I can follow you.
So who are you?
Your blog name was something to do with the initials OAP.
You live near to where I used to live in Billericay Essex, belong to the U3a like me and has a daughter who lives in Australia, who sent you flowers for Mother's Day, likes reading and posts about the books you've read, and likes walks.  Your name might be Poll?
I'd love if you got in touch.

Sending a smile to all my blogger friends.



Joy said...

I do hope you can make contact. xx

Elizabethd said...

Hope you find her!

Angela said...

Oh yes, somebody must recognise this description...

Terra said...

I hope your blog friend gets in touch. It is sad when someone whose blog I enjoy stops blogging.

Buttercup said...

A big disappointment to lose a blog friend. Stopping by to say hello from New York City.

Marie Smith said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog. I will add you to my blog list.

I think the blog you are looking for is Olive and Pru at

Hope that helps.

Bless said...

I hope you are able to find that blog again.

Sue in Suffolk said...

So many people have stopped blogging recently- it's really sad. Like losing a friend.
I wonder who it was you found - sounds interesting - hope they read this