I'm taking this idea from Kirsten at Letters from Home.
Saturday, 31 December 2022
Friday, 30 December 2022
No ones time??
Here we are in that time of year when Christmas has gone and New Year is yet to come, when its difficult to know what day it is, a sort of 'no ones time.' The weather has been rainy and when it stopped it was drippy everywhere. I don't like walking on the best of days but wet puts me right off altho' I have done quite a bit of walking since moving back here.
This road leads to the front promenade from Rest Bay, a popular place for water sports. It gets very crowded in the summer months.
Saturday, 24 December 2022
Getting ready for the feast!
One of my step daughters gave me an Amazon voucher for my birthday. Dh has bought me books, so had a think and bought these. A jigsaw for after Christmas and an Amaryllis and both arrived today.
I've made Delia Smith's Morella Cherry and red wine sauce to go with our duck and in the oven being roasted is the base for Jamie Oliver's veg, herbs and chicken wings gravy recipe.. Dh is making Mary Berry's salmon mousse and we're listening to Carols from Kings on Radio 4. Our slow cooker is ready to start the pudding over night and the fridge is full!!
Will we dare to weigh after all this food?
We are starting our day with our reading, Luke Chapter2 and then our breakfast is a selection of continental meats, (Dh has pork pie his family tradition) I like smoked salmon and we have crusty whole meal bread and butter and of course Bucks Fizz!
What do you do on Christmas Eve?
Wednesday, 21 December 2022
Are you ready?
Tuesday, 6 December 2022
The Constant Battle
So my battle goes on and on and on and on and ......................
Do you want to lose weight, did lockdown get to you too?
Sunday, 4 December 2022
Friday, 25 November 2022
Grey or dyed??
In three weeks', time I will be celebrating very big birthday, my hair has gone very grey. My cousin who dyes her own hair says it makes me look very old. Duh? I am old and so is she, as she is my age.
My husband has a lot of hair which is very white, he is very proud of it and he only goes to have it cut when it really needs it! I have a lot of hair too, albeit grey. He and I are very happy, married now 17 years and he is happy with my hair colour. It means we are growing old together, which is lovely as I love him very much. Many people don't get to be my age, so I'm really pleased that I am this age.
This past week we had what we thought was a good idea; we would do a supermarket shop instead of having a delivery, which we have had since the first lockdown, March 2020. Oh my gosh it was awful. There were no disable parking spaces free, it was tipping down with rain and the huge car park was full. We did get a space not too far from the entrance and there was a gentleman who was unloading his trolley next to us, so I had that to push to the store.
Inside, it wasn't so crowded, but we didn't know where certain foods were. There were trolleys left in the middle of aisles, blocking the way for everyone else; why do people do that? We came out vowing we'll have deliveries again! I was exhausted and waited in a pick-up area for Dh to come for me. I've never felt so old.
But here I am, grey hair, stretchmarks, wrinkles, sunspots and scars and I am over weight, But I am who I am and I'm still here. And I love my life.
Inside my head I'm not the age I am. Somedays I'm only 18 and starting my nursing training. I have very clear memories being in my very first kitchen as a new wife and reading the label on the back of frozen veg, I couldn't cook, but I didn't poison us! Then I am 21 looking down at my first baby, my daughter. When ABBA won the European Song Contest, my daughter and I danced all around the house and that week I made us matching satin shorts. I can see my three sons standing together on the drive of our first Billericay house wearing the duffle coats I'd made them; I was such a proud mum and loved it when my children were young. I loved my teaching years and at this time of year I remember the Christmas concerts where I played the piano. How did I do that?
So, my hair might make me look old to some people but the other week in the SW meeting, another member said how lovely I looked. It did me good, why aren't there more people in the world who are willing to build each other up instead of tearing each other down? We need more people to encourage us to embrace who we are, we ourselves need to rock the bodies God gave us and be happy with ourselves just as we are. I'll still use my beauty cream on my face and neck each night and morning, and look after my teeth and hair, just because I'm old, I don't want to let myself go!
What do you think about grey hair?
Thursday, 17 November 2022
Does neb yn ei nabod o;
Mae mil a chwe chant o flynyddoedd
Yn amser rhy hir i'r cof;
Pan aeth Magnus Maximus o Gymru
Yn y flwyddyn tri-chant-wyth-tri
A'n gadael yn genedl gyfan
A heddiw: wele ni!
Ry'n ni yma o hyd
Ry'n ni yma o hyd
Er gwaetha pawb a phopeth
Er gwaetha pawb a phopeth
Er gwaetha pawb a phopeth
Ry'n ni yma o hyd
Ry'n ni yma o hyd
Er gwaetha pawb a phopeth
Er gwaetha pawb a phopeth
Er gwaetha pawb a phopeth
Ry'n ni yma o hyd
Chwythed y gwynt o'r Dwyrain
Rhued y storm o'r môr
Hollted y mellt yr wybren
A gwaedded y daran encôr
Llifed dagrau'r gwangalon
A llyfed y taeog y llawr
Er dued yw'r fagddu o'n cwmpas
Ry'n ni'n barod am doriad y wawr!
Monday, 14 November 2022
Why do they do this??
This Pudding, she is in her second year of training to be a Guide dog for the sight impaired. it's the second dog I've sponsored. The Association were appealing for new sponsors in our high street a couple of months ago, we stopped to speak to them. I mentioned I was already sponsoring a dog and she was my second, so she asked would I take part in their lottery, but I do that as well and buy their raffle tickets 3 times a year; She still asked could I not sponsor another dog! I said no, as I think I give them a fair amount already.
My other regular monthly charity is the Macular Society and I take part in their lottery as well as a monthly contribution. And a surprise was I've won £5 twice in the last few months. They often send me 'bumff' which includes a request for more money. I phoned and asked them to stop sending me letters as I thought it was a waste of money.
Each Christmas I chose a couple of charities and give them money, this includes, Beds for the Homeless and Smile for children born in 3rd World Countries born with a hair lip.
And this time of year, I get requests for money from different charities. So, when you give to one, they must pass your name around and hence the letters.
And also, this is the time of year when Pudsey the bear pops up with various very well-off celebrities on TV, smiling very nicely asking for people with a good deal less money to ...give, give, give.
It makes me feel like cancelling my regular giving, because it seems to me, I am like many being targeted as a soft touch.
How do you feel about all these adverts on TV from wealthy celebrities all asking for us to give money to their charities?
Saturday, 12 November 2022
What do you love best??
I can't say it enough...' I love books!' And am delighted to see that Jane Harper's book, 'The Dry' which was made into a film, is now available on some 'streaming' services. The opening passage of this book was so vividly written I read it through my fingers covering my eyes! The book shop in Southwold featured it and had the floor covered with sandy bits and dried grass, which the manager said was difficult to keep fresh, so it was swept up each night and re-done each morning. Wow, it was a good book! I hope the film does it justice.
It amazes me how authors think up their stories. A real favourite of mine is Charity Norman, who writes a totally different story each time and none have ever failed to take me away into a different world. When I finished reading her last one. 'Remember Me,' I was bereft and was lost as to what I would read next, what story would give me that excitement when I was on my way to bed; my best reading time and place.Next month I have a significant birthday, a really big, big number and what have I asked for?? A book by Chris Hammer, his latest.Are you passionate about books?
Friday, 11 November 2022
Lest we Forget
Just thinking we'll all miss our Queen at the cenotaph this first time without her.. Long live King Charles 3rd.
Saturday, 15 October 2022
This gives me such joy.
Wednesday, 12 October 2022
Not my day!
Well, I'm not having the best of days. We have been into town for me to buy Boots own Number 7 face cream. On Saturday when we were there, they didn't have any, but assured me they were having a delivery Monday and today, Wednesday, but they still didn't have any, so annoying. There is a bigger store in the bigger town near us, but we're not very good in towns we don't know, so I decided to buy it online. Grrrrr there was a glitch in the program, and I was going round in a loop so gave up.
We have signed up for a Welsh language oral session to supplement our Welsh language lessons, to be held at the Pontypridd Campus of the Uni. of Wales. So, we needed to make arrangements for Nell. We looked up Doggy Day care places near us, phoned one that was recommended, she answered with an abrupt retort, 'I'm not taking any more dogs' and hung up..why oh why didn't her web site say that!!
So, to finish my day I've found a kennels near us that will take Nell each Saturday as Dh read out the dates to me.. Nov 12th and each Saturday right to Dec10th, except when I looked it was only 1 day. So where did he see all those other dates?? Who knows, I've had to phone the kennels back to cancel the other days!
But he has redeemed himself by going onto the Boots web site and bought the face cream for me. But definitely not my day. I can feel a headache coming on, or could that be the flu jab I had yesterday?
Do you have days like this?
Saturday, 1 October 2022
My Blessings
I get blog envy when I see some. but I feel so sad for those who write about their everyday lives, some very lonely by themselves, others who can't fit enough into their days, carefully planned as though they're afraid to have one minute unplanned. I don't fill my days with planned activities and am happy to go along as things happen. I don't need to fill my life with things, activities or holidays. Even when I lived alone, I took my time through each day. Now having met my lovely Dh 18 years ago I have many and plentiful number of blessings.
He's not perfect in a lot of things, as he needs time to get round to doing things, which in all fairness, he's decided he needed to do himself. He made a 'to do' list the other day but hasn't actually done anything on it yet. He wants to paint his shed, he has the paint ready and waiting; he wants to sort out the garage, we have the shelves to put things on to be up off the floor; and he will do these things but not just yet. I don't mind, when he says he's ready I'll help, and it will all get done.
But he is perfect in other ways, I have always had a morning cup of tea each day since we married in 2006, he is always willing to stop what he's doing if I need help and he is a very good cook. He has never complained when I've woken him up night after night with my insomnia but will make a cuppa at 3 in the morning. And he happily cuddles up behind me in bed to warm me if I feel cold. So he's pretty wonderful I wonder what I've done to deserve someone like him. He's generous of heart. He makes me think of the song 'Something Good' from the sound of music, because I must have done something good to have met him and he ask me to marry him.
Wednesday, 28 September 2022
What puts you off a book?
We were booked to hear this author talk, this afternoon at the library, unfortunately she is not able to make it and it has been postponed till October 26th, will I still remember the story by then? I had 3 starts because I kept forgetting what I'd read the night before and to my way of thinking there were too many character names, so I kept getting muddled!
So, these put me off a book.
A lot of character names to start, and where they are police, some christian names and then referred to by their surnames.
Not clearly defined chapters, when they are in different time zones.
Too faint and small font.
Too big a book, so heavy.
Local colloquiums or dialect.
Swear words and blasphemy.
Overtly sexual antic descriptions,
Too much dull description of scenery.
A Mills and Boone type book, basically 'chick lit.'
And these reasons are before I even look at what the story is about!
So, I found this book a hard read for me, but I read it because we were to hear the author talking about it. Dh read it too and came across several typos! But he liked it.
Basically, and ex-policeman comes out of retirement to investigate old cases where the original cases had unsolved crime, as a hobby. It was ok, but not my usual choice of book and I only read it because of the Author 'talk.'
What puts you off?
Monday, 26 September 2022
Simple things??
A while ago we bought this weather station. it gives the temperature in the house too.
As well as pictures of clouds etc indicating the weather, there is a little man. He dresses according to the temperature, so he can be in shorts with a deck chair beside him or he can be carrying an umbrella. We love it! Simple things??Friday, 9 September 2022
🥪 👜 Ma’amalade sandwich Your Majesty?
Thursday, 8 September 2022
Gratitude Scavenger Hunt
Friday, 2 September 2022
A Darling Visitor.
We have a regular visitor and we're thrilled.
Who'd have thought that we'd have this little fellow in our garden, that was a barren grassy nothing when we moved here. Dh set up one of our bird feeders within a week of being here and we had 1 robin and about 4 sparrows at first. No butterflies, no bees not even a hover fly. The first flower bed dug did encourage some cabbage white butterflies and a few more sparrows, but insect life and birds were slow to arrive. Now it is alive with flying insects, bees and butterflies and this little fellow.
Thursday, 1 September 2022
Bill Turnbull
This has made me feel so sad this morning.. Such a lovely man, age 66 has died.
Sunday, 28 August 2022
In under a year.
In only a period of 9 months this scrawny flower bed has bloomed and now is absolutely gorgeous.
As you can see it has burgeoned and filled out, in fact its probably the best of the three beds Dh dug for me to plant up. The others are suffering from the intense
It's a wonder we have any flowers here, as this is where Nell squashes her little bum into, when she's feeling too hot.
So over all not too bad, when you see what we had when we arrived here, June last year.A bare weedy grassy garden!
Thursday, 25 August 2022
Another problem, to decide on.
I am still having urinary problems and the latest treatment I was given by my local Drs was two sachets of powder which contained an antibiotic, to be taken 3 days apart!!
So I drank the first one last evening obeying the instruction, in a glass of water 2 hours after food or could have been 1 hour before, fully confident that I'd have a good nights sleep.. ha ha, did I heck??Nope I slept for 2 1/2 hours, then woke for the loo and then had to visit the loo every half hour or there about. Gave up at 5am and got up and read my book, but did then doze in my arm chair after my own Cystitis relief bought remedy and 2 paracetamol!
It's difficult to get through to our surgery for a Dr app, which would only be a telephone app. anyway. ( I was 90 mins one morning) This is now a chronic problem because I never really have sufficient treatment, when I have had a really bad bout of cystitis... According to the Urologist I saw, the best treatment should be a double amount of time of taking the antibiotics, ie. 2 lots over 4 weeks. I'm still waiting for my follow up app. with him. Grrr in the mean time I'm sleep deprived in a lot of discomfort.. Getting old with a failing NHS is agony!
But who cares?? Now GPs are asking for more pay and threatening to drop out of the NHS, if they do I think they should pay for their training either in money or constant pain! What would you vote for how they could pay, money or constant discomfort for months and months? I know what I would wish for them!!
Tuesday, 23 August 2022
What do you think?

Saturday, 20 August 2022
One of those days.
Do you ever feel like I have on one occasion this week. Nothing was right, even Dh came in for some criticism.. although I do usually say to him, its not a criticism, just an observation!
We have been desperate for rain, the garden was crisp, dying as I watched although, we were watering the pots, especially the tomatoes. (which actually have done really well) And then it really rained, yippee.
The next day, I cleared one flower bed of dried plants, dead leaves and dead headed the dahlias, tidying the edges and hoeing the ground. It did look good and showed it had been done. It was a real effort as I'm still not sleeping well. The next day I started to do the same to another flower bed. I had only just started and the heavens opened. I came in not pleased, as I really wanted to get as much of the garden sorted as I could before the weekend, it had really suffered in the heat.
In the house, the lounge looked untidy, Dh is a love but putting things away is not how he works. I usually just sort things out, but I was tired, hot and bothered, while not the awful heat of the previous week it was humid. My hair was flat, washing my hair is my 'bête noir' I can wash it one handed but not push it into style and so I felt and looked miserable.
And we had to go into town as I needed a birthday card for my GD, I had bought a whole lot a while ago but none suited a 27 year old young business woman. I had to get out of my scruffs and dress tidily, a real effort! I huffed and puffed getting into the car, Dh was quiet!
It was when we were in 'Robin's Nest,' a very nice shop that sells lovely cards I saw 'her.' A lady with a scarf like a turban round her head, like ladies wear who have lost their hair with chemo treatment; we were both looking at Grand daughter cards. She held one up which was priced £3.50 and we both smiled and said at the same time,' She's worth it.'
My mood lifted, she had a lovely smile. I am so blessed.
Sunday, 14 August 2022
Still Trying.....
Two weeks ago my efforts to lose weight fell by the wayside. One night, we were up at about 3:00am drinking tea and eating copious rounds of toast with butter and homemade marmalade.. so we were way over the extras that SW (Sliming World) allow, before the day had even started!
So last week and the start of this week, we've been strictly on plan. Dh does the cooking and we've had some very tasty meals that filled us up, so we didn't snack later in the evening.
One of my favourites is Chicken Kiev, with a baked potato and a full salad; the tomatoes are from the garden, grown by me.
Thursday, 11 August 2022
Such delightful TV
Wednesday, 10 August 2022
A surprise and toms.
I was looking for 3 inch pots and so emptied out some pots from the plastic little green house. There were 6 that looked as though the seeds hadn't germinated and whoops this arrived from the pile of compost that I had tipped out! A pleasant surprise and doing well without being watered in this very hot dry weather. 30°C on our patio this afternoon! We are so glad we bought a A/C unit a few weeks ago, with the curtains closed we are staying cool.