Wednesday 10 August 2022

A surprise and toms.

I was  looking for 3 inch pots and so emptied out some pots from the plastic little green house.  There were 6 that looked as though the seeds hadn't germinated and whoops this arrived from the pile of compost that I had tipped out! A pleasant surprise and doing well without being watered in this very hot dry weather. 30°C on our patio this afternoon! We are so glad we bought a A/C unit a few weeks ago, with the curtains closed we are staying cool.

Loads of tomatoes and all beginning to ripen, not that we'd mind if they didn't. as I found that green tomato cake recipe a year ago and it  was delicious.

And we'd be happy with red tomato chutney too, as we have no homemade chutney left. 
The flowers are beginning to dry up, but being good citizens we're only watering the pots and veg. We need rain!!
How is your garden faring in this extra-ordinary hot weather?



Eileen H said...

My plants are looking rather sad but as you say it is best to save water and we need rain and plenty of it.

Joy said...

What a lovely surprise! I love sunflowers - they make us smile, don't they?

It's win-win with the tomatoes. Mine are no coming more profusely and I shall be taking some to Slimming World on Friday as my contribution to the slimmer of the week hamper.

Stay cool. xx

Anonymous said...

I'm intrigued by the green tomato cake - seems tomatoes are doing well this year, we have tons. We are trying to be as economical as we can with water in the garden, but it will be sad if we have to watch things die......still, the best of our flowers are nearly over anyway
Alison in Wales .

Maggie said...

Everything is looking a bit the worse for wear in out garden, nothing is fairing well in this heat, including me, lol. What a nice sunflower surprise 😄