Saturday 20 August 2022

One of those days.

Do you ever feel like I have on one occasion this week. Nothing was right, even Dh came in for some criticism.. although I do usually say to him, its not a criticism, just an observation!

We have been desperate for rain, the garden was crisp, dying as I watched although, we were watering the pots, especially the tomatoes. (which actually have done really well) And then it really rained, yippee.

The next day, I cleared one flower bed of dried plants, dead leaves and dead headed the dahlias, tidying the edges and hoeing the ground. It did look good and showed it had been done. It was a real effort as I'm still not sleeping well. The next day I started to do the same to another flower bed. I had only just started and the heavens opened. I came in not pleased, as I really wanted to get as much of the  garden sorted as I could before the weekend, it had really suffered in the heat.

In the house, the lounge looked untidy, Dh is a love but putting things away is not how he works. I usually just sort things out, but I was tired, hot and bothered, while not the awful heat of the previous week it was humid. My hair was flat, washing my hair is my 'bête noir' I can wash it one handed  but not push it into style and so I felt and looked miserable. 

And we had to go into town as I needed a birthday card for my GD, I had bought a whole lot a while ago but none suited a 27 year old young business woman. I had to get out of my scruffs and dress tidily, a real effort! I huffed and puffed getting into the car, Dh was quiet!

It was when we were in 'Robin's Nest,' a very nice shop that sells lovely cards I saw 'her.' A lady with a scarf like a turban round her head, like ladies wear who have lost their hair with chemo treatment; we were both looking at Grand daughter cards. She held one up which was priced £3.50 and we both smiled and said at the same time,' She's worth it.'

My mood lifted, she had a lovely smile. I am so blessed.

Such lovely thoughts......'more to you 
that you have yet to know.'



Elizabethd said...

What a good end to a bad day!

Granny Sue said...

Yes, I have days like that, I think everything does. I am so glad yours ended with a joyful moment. As for gardens, I have felt so sorry for England this summer. We are used to heat and occasional droughts here, but England? Green, cool, rainy England? Seems completely wrong. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Joy said...

Such a beautiful sentiment - it would lift my day too. xx

Eileen H said...

I often have days when nothing goes right. A beautiful end to your day.

meandmysmallcorner said...

When I feel like that my lovely daughter asks if I want to borrow her Care Bear called Grumpy Bear. That always makes me smile again. The verse is lovely and very thought provoking. Thank you. Hope you are ok again now.

Terra said...

That is a lovely sentiment on the card for your granddaughter, you found just the right one for her. I hope you are all rested and relaxed now.

Bless said...

The heat can make anyone feel grumpy, but, you found just the right card and I'm glad the day ended well. :)