Wednesday 16 October 2024


It's been all change for us... the bed... the new bed!! I kept saying to Dh this is not like the bed I tried in the store, but he reckons it has to be.  Anyway we decided to change the new mattress for the mattress off the bed in our second bedroom, perfect! Firmer and just right... Dh is long suffering with me being changeable, but I am convinced that the new mattress isn't the one I tried,  it is too soft! So I'm happy and since using it, I think its warmer! OK it could be the weather is warmer, but I don't think so, the mornings are brrrrrr, warm knicker weather! We've also changed over the metal rail head board for our old padded one, much more comfy to rest your head on when reading in bed.

I've also been back to Specsavers, for 4th time and said the varilux lenses are not right, I have to lift up my head to view my laptop screen.   So I've had them changed to just reading glasses, so I can use them reading at night in bed.. there was a refund as those lenses are cheaper, £140. The young man wanted  me to accept a credit note, which I could use on another pair of glasses. I told him I would never use Specsavers again and got my money!

We also decided to drop out of the U3a 'Singalong' group. She wants to change to not having a break in the middle, but keep singing for the hour, then have a social with tea and biscuits at the end. That doesn't suit us, we're not moving for an hour I was stiff and had to stand a few times..Then when it finished most people, including us left. The person who organises it said, they're doing what the majority want.. but she has forgotten we provided the biscuits, so now they'll have to buy them themselves. I am sad about this as I really enjoyed it and took an active part.

And taking the advice of Michael Mosely (RIP) I have done one thing different, I'm actually walking once a day.. That may not sound great but it is for me, I don't like walking, but have pushed myself to do it.
So a very big change for me!



Sooze said...

I've tried varifocal lenses twice, didn't get on with them at all either time. It's a bit of a nuisance having to have 2 separate pairs of glasses, for reading and distance, but I've got used to it. Well done for standing your ground about the refund.

jabblog said...

I suppose it's easier to issue a credit note, but it's not right. Well done, you.

Lynn and Precious said...

The walking sounds like a wonderful thing for you. And yes don't we all get aggravated will we know what we've either bought or ordered in it turns out not to be perfectly what we expected. Eyeglasses are important so you cannot have them be wrong.

Mari said...

I'm glad the bed is working out! Sounds like good changes with the headboard and mattress.
The glasses issue sounds like a pain! Good for you for getting a refund. Good for you for walking too!