Saturday 12 October 2024

A very white patio!

When we came home from SW yesterday morning the garden was radiant in sunshine, so we sat outside to have our cup of tea. We didn't talk just sat quietly and enjoyed the garden and quiet.. no builders banging for a change, two houses are now finished and the other is only worked on now and then. 

Dh had some posts to sort and I stayed there, in my warm jacket, because although the sun was shining it was only 10C. The patio is now sparking,  as Dh used the power washer on it yesterday and our pots back on it.

I loved sitting there, watching the birds on one of the feeders.. and the squirrel jumping from branch to branch on the trees that border the driveway of the private school, which is about 100ft from our garden. We sometimes see him tripping along our fence with a walnut in his mouth, so some one has a tree here near us? Its such fun watching him..

 Our sparking, very white patio

This was the garden when we arrived just over 3years ago.

And here are the three flower beds we 've dug and planted.

Sorry about the table with my tray of weeds! And we have the small trees and shrubs in front of the fence we had, instead of the awful hedge. Its a fair sized garden and we're very pleased we kept our big power motor mower..It takes Dh about 25mins to do back and front grass, so may be one more cut before winter with all this sun. The garden is very different from when we came here, the grass looks more like a lawn with regular cutting and weed and feeding and we've managed to get rid of most of the dandelions. 

It was very calming sitting there and then it was time for lunch, I was desperate, we had a baked potato with cheese grilled on top! A lovely morning. What was yours like?



Lynn and Precious said...

Just seeing the finished project of cleaning can bring a great sense of joy. This does look so clean and inviting. Our squirrels hang literally on our doors, lol.

Live and Learn said...

A clean patio, blooming flowers, and animals scurrying about. Sounds perfect!

jabblog said...

It's satisfying to sit and enjoy your garden. Too often we work in the garden, but don't take the time to appreciate it.

Marie Smith said...

Such a peaceful place to sit, relax and enjoy the fruits of your labour.

Mari said...

Your yard looks so nice! It's calming and inviting!
We have lots of squirrels, they're enjoying the acorns around here.

Margaret said...

I plan on doing my concrete with a product called Wet and Forget. I need to spray while it is dry and a day before rain! Hopefully the weatherman and i can coordinate soon.

Bless said...

Your patio and garden look so pretty! Such a lovely place to sit and enjoy the sunshine and watch the garden visitors. :)