she is a Japanese akita dog and huge! When she went in the lounge and plonked herself down, we couldn't get past her and the coffee table!
Wednesday, 31 December 2008
A visit from my son and his partner... and the dog!
she is a Japanese akita dog and huge! When she went in the lounge and plonked herself down, we couldn't get past her and the coffee table!
Monday, 29 December 2008
Christmas at home...
This is just some of our christmas pics, we had a wonderful time and I thoroughly enjoyed every bit! As you can see my cracker had a little fan in it! This is me and my SIL the other pics show my step daughters one of my grand sons and my daughters back!
We ate well! Diet here I come!
Monday, 22 December 2008
My Birthday December 20th
Friday, 19 December 2008
My eldest and youngest sons and me!
This is Simon, me and Michael..the weekend before last when we spent the day with them. Here we are at the pub. I had such a lovely afternoon with them all, Tracy Simon's partner and Helen Michael's partner. Simon is such a lovely young man and so patient and he paid for the meal as my birthday treat. And I have some lovely parcels to open tomorrow when it is my birthday!! Exciting I have about 40 cards and 12 parcels to open!
Something easy!
Friday, 12 December 2008
Every thing is happening together!
I wanted them for a Lizzie Kate design for the HoE for January, and a little something for a friend!
I also now have the 32c Belfast Linen in Antique Ivory and the Vicky Clayton hand dyed variegated threads for the Beatrice Potter sal starting in January.
The threads look a bit dark here but they are perfect and I love the crushed berry colours. The Antique Ivory looks a bit yellow to me but it was the one recommended, I am in two minds whether to get a different colour, perhaps just ivory... what ever as it is 32c I shall have to block it out and shall do this before the start date of January the first.
I have also now finished the three Christmas ornies which I shall clip to cards for friends. I am really pleased with the finishes as I have finished them all differently. I can show them here as they don't cross stitch nor blog! They are the friends I have through the Reading and Writing Group...
As well as finishing these I have also completed my three PIFs, so as soon as they are received by Sue, Kath and Gaynor I shall post pictures here...and I have finished the Lizzie Kate for the HoE so I am doing 'happy dances!!
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
TOF Exchange

I loved sewing the biscornu and wish now I had taken pics of it by itself as I did a pattern on the back too!
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Weekend in London
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Check up
So don’t have to go again till June 2009, which I was surprised about as I thought this was to be my last appointment but he said they like to keep track of their knee patients!
He showed me my x-rays again which I hate looking at as you can see the joint they have inserted into my bones!
A mild day here and our new coffee table and set of three tables in light oak arrived when I was out and they are gorgeous! Our lounge looks really nice we are so pleased and have sat in there for a moment to admire it all and then Mike reminded me that it should look nice as we have spent an awful lot of money in that one room alone! I feel like saying...'eat your heart out Laura Ashley!' as we wanted a coffee table from there and it was a three months wait for delivery so I found this on the net and it is more or less the same!
We are thinking of going to the allotment this afternoon!
Monday, 17 November 2008
ummm........ Smell that cake!
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Christmas is coming!

A gift

The mauve ribbon is for any type of cancer.
I hope she'll like it and won't mind me stitching this as she doesn't know me personally but I have said a prayer with every stitch.
I am including a hand made little notelet with it and posting it off today. Progress reports say she is tired from the chemo after her op, so God's Blessings for her and strength to face the rest of her treatments.
Sunday, 9 November 2008
Remembrance Sunday

We watchedThe British Legion Service of Remembrance last evening and it had some so sad bits in it as they interviewed a mother of a 20 year soldier killed this year, I had tears in my eyes and I suspect so did Mike as he was very quiet. His nephew Matthew was killed in Iraq three years ago, he used to visit and play with Mike’s son George, so he knew him growing up.
I was struck by the beauty of the whole service and how it was so moving, say what you like about Britain one thing we know is how to produce such a programme.
Today the Baptist church I attend is joining with a C of E church at 11 to stand outside at the Cenotaph. I shall have to take my walking stick to walk the short distance

In Flanders Fields
by John McCrae, May 1915
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead.
Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep,though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Monday, 3 November 2008

*** This is how it works ***
If you would like to receive something handmade by me within the next 365 days, please comment on this post to say that you are interested. I will then ask my DH to draw 3 names out of a hat on Monday 10th November (GMT). It has to be then as we have weekend visitors. If you are one of the chosen three then in return, please post the same offer on your blog.
This is a simple and a lovely way of spreading joy in the stitching world. I hope that you will join in and possibly become one of my PIF members!
This PIF is open for everyone!
Friday, 31 October 2008
Halloween design by Lavender Wings

A bit chilly here today but who cares we are in the warm and relaxing!!
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
My Hubby

Monday, 27 October 2008
Our Conservatory

So this is where we sit for coffee, the lights are like bull rushes and we bought it with vouchers we were given by friends when we got married.
I like to light candles in there in the evening too and the refection in the windows is so pretty..
The odd plant on the little chest is an aloa vera brought back from holiday by Michael and Helen.. I am always afraid to water it incase I kill it!
Every square has detail sewn on, fancy stitching, embroidery, beads, flowers, rosebuds, rings and hearts, it is so beautiful and so wonderfully made she is so clever.
I always show it to everyone that comes and tell them that my epal friend Jenny made that for us and gave it to me in April 2006 when she came here to UK.. We must go and visit her in Australia in the spring 2009, and this time nothing will stop us!!

Sunday, 26 October 2008
Yesterday .....

Saturday, 25 October 2008
My latest efforts!

Friday, 24 October 2008
The Thief
Friday, 17 October 2008
Finishing off!
My 'name' piece of work has turned out rather nicely and I am pleased with my queen stitches although it took me a while to get the long legged cross stitches quite right and I had to do some frogging! but it is going to look very nice tied onto my pink basket, can't wait to show Elaine who is coming for a cross stitch session next tuesday.
Tomorrow I shall take pics of everything finished or not. I can't decide what to do next I have got that lovely peachy biscornu to do so I might do that or the freebie Sew Pink..
I shall look at both tomorrow morning and decide then! I won't be able to do much during the day as I have to get the back garden sorted!

These were my summer pots.... I should be photographing my winter ones but they are still being planted!
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Being Good!!

I love doing samplers like this as it is rows of different stitches and patterns... the winter one was the one I requested in the Cross stitcher magazine and I was inundated with pages and one women sent the whole magazine!! These have been finished for ages! I found the frames on some cheap pictures and they are just the right size and a fraction of the cost at Hobby Craft.
I have also finished my Christmas Exchanges and have little pressies to send with them, so I am going to sew the beads on my 'Mice and Blackberries' and look for a frame for that at the weekend too. I can then start that name!
Mike's new boss is delighted with the Program he has written and was wowed by the Report which he did too, into which he incorporated drawings and data pages so I have some clever husband!
And of course he cooks, what more could a woman want!
And I have a second reason for feeling I am being good as I have filled in my Tax Return at last!!!
Friday, 10 October 2008
FFFrriday, tomorrow its the weekend

Thursday, 9 October 2008

At 9:10 there was a knock at the front door and I thought it was him having forgotten his key, it was a paramedic. I looked at her saw the ambulance and thought opps I have forgotten a hospital appointment. It just didn’t register seeing her…..But no, she assured me right away Mike was alright but he had been knocked down by a car mounting the pavement and Boysie sorry to say had been killed outright.
We were at the hospital all morning, got home about 12... Mike has a badly bruised leg, he was saved by a hedge as the car pushed him off his feet and into it.. Our little dog didn’t have a chance..
So we are very sad and have had a few weeps, the house is very quiet although he didn’t make a lot of noise he had to sit where ever we were. Its going to be hard to tell the girls especially Emily as she adored that dog..
The blessing is that Mike wasn’t too badly injured, so we are grateful for that..thank God. That's all I was concerned about but I am going to miss my little dog.
Mike had some shaky moments off and on all yesterday with flash backs as he could see the car coming towards them on the pavement but couldn't get out of the way. He was saved by the hedge as the car pushed Mike into it and it stopped the car going further.
We looked a sorry sight both hobbling along together.. so a sad day.
Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Monday, 6 October 2008
A real Autumn Sunday

We had another lovely day together yesterday. Dinner at Binley Carvery which was delicious, we both had beef and a pud! Then came home for coffee and relaxed!
It was all so Autumny! Lovely smells of trees and leaves and warm and cosy at home...
Mike then decided to start his 'work' writing a program and I spent hours looking at different cross stitch, craft and fabric sites all afternoon! So I must get some things done today. I have finished my Mice and Blackberries pic and only have the back stitching to do, so I am going to leave that and start my Christmas ornie for the Xstitch exchange group.. then I have my christmas biscornu for TOF group so I best get my butt off this butt magnet and move!
Sunday, 5 October 2008

Absolutely tipping down here today!
Yesterday we thoroughly enjoyed our drive to Buckingham. The Head Stone on Great Aunt Alice's grave looked very nice, gold lettering although at the bottom of the grave was a small name tag with her second married name so we took it off as she gave strict intructions that she was not to have that. We put some chrysanths on the grave and thought it all looked very nice. Its two years since she has died age 95 years so a good age.
Then back in the shopping area; I had a lovely lunch of bacon and stilton cheese salad… and Waitrose has opened up there instead of Budgens, so we came home with a baked American cheese cake which is not SW but oh so yummy! And some other yummy stuff from the new deli shop.
Then we drove down to Biscester Village outlet, but as it is new there were lots of places not open yet. Loads of Chinese and Japanese people there and other foreigners, it was crowded! I bought a super Radley bag reduced to £48!! Red, it is gorgeous and I can’t wait to buy a new navy coat to go with it! The photo includes the fabric draw string bag to store your bag in and the carrier bag... isn't it gorgeous? I love it!!
Disappointingly the Cath Kidson shop only had a selection of her goods and when I asked why the girl said they only have the stuff that doesn't sell in her shops! So I have bought it all on line as the postage was only £4.95 for all of it!
We really enjoyed our day and when we got home Mike did steak and salad and of course we had some of the cheese cake, it just melted in your mouth.
But all that walking, albeit slowly I was in bed by 9 and sleeping, but at least I kept going, must admit though walking back to the car was very painful.
Saturday, 4 October 2008
Letter from Jenny
Here she is 2 years ago!!She was 60 on September 25th and is coming here next year,I am going to try and do a quilt to show her that hers has inpsired me to try! I look at it on the little settee in the conservatory it is so beautiful and clever and it was so lovely of her to make its for us, I can't believe that she will be here next year!
Friday, 3 October 2008
A day in the garden

I had my first real gardening session yesterday. It was a perfect Autunm day, sunshine and a bit of a breeze and someone had a bonfire going so the smell was in the air. Mike had cleaned out the green house so I potted up the pelagoniums and then I cleared some of the south border so I had had a lovely afternoon gardening at last!! I pulled out the summer bedding nicotiana and antirrhinums and just turned the soil at the border edge of one border so about 8ft of border! I felt so pleased that I could and it looked as though its been done too.
Mike ‘Autumn weeded and feeded’ our small bit of lawn and we were admiring it, because when I arrived here two years ago it was a foot high tumps of grass!
So I am getting better!
We had a lovely SW meal of SW chips, egg, beans and sausage and I feel as though I had eaten a feast and enjoyed it!
Lunch time we had corn on the cob grown by me! And very nice it was too!
I felt it was the sign of things to come with Mike not working full time, it is going to be so nice, we can do what we like when we want to!
Tuesday, 30 September 2008