Monday, 3 February 2025

Whats it all about?

 I'm trying to think these thoughts but it has not been easy. 

I seem to have lost 4 days, I've taken so many  tablets its a wonder I'm not rattling as I walk about, although I haven't been out. When your bladder is iffy you don't go far from a toilet. I haven't got the awful pain but I'm still going to the toilet frequently. But I have been able to sleep a couple of nights in 4 hour stretches.. 
The town toilets are still being commandeered by some homeless people, three at the last count. All,  it seems have been offered places in hostels, but haven't accepted them. Some people suggest they refuse, because the rules would be... no drink or drugs.

So I'm battling on and peeing +++ all the time.. I did phone the pharmacy and her advice was to give the antibiotic chance to work. Personally I think, it either wasn't the right one or not strong enough. 
So may be I'll try to see or speak to a Dr after the weekend.
Thank you again for kind comments and prayers.



Lynn and Precious said...

Chris, you certainly have been in my thoughts over this past weekend. Certainly hope you get this sorted out sooner than later. And what a shame you can't reliably take a walk, need to use a restroom, and can't go in because of these people living in there.

KirstenM said...

Oh dear... you are going through a difficult patch. Hope you emerge soon.

jabblog said...

The local public toilets have been vandalised here. What possible pleasure can people get from that?

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

I'd be tempted to squat behind a tree just so I could still get outside and walk.

Mari said...

I'm so sorry! I hope you get some answers today. Will be praying for you!

Marie Smith said...

I hope the antibiotic starts to work or the doctor can help!

Lorrie said...

What a time you've had (and continue to have). I hope your bladder settles down soon.

Lowcarb team member said...

I do hope the antibiotic starts to work and your bladder can then settle down.

All the best Jan

Granny Sue said...

I was worried when you didn't post. I hate that you are going through this. Aging is hard enough without all the painful add-ons. I wish you could find some relief!