I'm not a great chocolate eater, ice cream is my downfall, but I wouldn't say no to a Creme Egg. My youngest son loved Terry's Chocolate Orange and it was something I bought him every Christmas, even as an adult. It is regarded as a Christmas item, but to get into the Easter trade Terry's has brought out a dark chocolate egg with orange creme filling!
Terry has even suggested the gooey creamy centre is even better when left at room temperature, or if hidden in a pocket, if hiding it from others! Who'd do that??
A shopper who has tried it, has described it as lovely truffle orange cream, with a crisp dark chocolate surround.
Sounds good enough for even me to eat!
Oh, no! How could they? I will have to be so strong when I go shopping! xx
Erm was I dreaming it or did you post about Slimming World a few days ago? A diet including creme eggs of any variety certainly has its attraction, at least for me!
I used to love chocolate but as I age some foods have decided to disagree with my digestion and chocolate is one of those. Makes Easter hard work!
I always buy Six of Terry's chocolate orange balls at Christmas time. They usually last as for quite a while because I won't eat it everyday to make it last. I have not seen in my small stores any of Terry's Easter eggs yet.
Wow sounds lush although I still have 3 boxes of chocolate left from Christmas, if I see them I’ll definitely try one x Kath
Sold! Though I haven’t seen them here.
Chocolate and orange are my favourite combination. I will definitely look out for this.
I will look out for those chocolate orange eggs. Someone in this house would enjoy them very much.
I prefer savoury to sweet, although I like chocolate I can take it or leave it. Those Terry's orange creme eggs wouldn't appeal to me though, I never did like the ordinary creme eggs, far too gooey and sickly for me.
I've never been a fan of a filled or crème egg preferring to eat a hollow egg piece of chocolate, but I'm sure these 'new' eggs will become a favourite with many.
All the best Jan
I adore the chocolate oranges, but have never liked an orange cream filling, so thank goodness I am safe!
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