There are so many horrible films on TV that I find upsetting, so if there's been something on I don't like, we watch an episode of The Gilmore Girls before bed time.
It sort of helps me to sleep because I can think about that, rather than my mind whirring round and round saving the world from horrible things; or me counting backwards in threes from a 100 or saying the alphabet backwards!
Usually these don't work so after nearly an hour of not sleeping I read...I read until my eyes start to close. And like the Gilmore Girls it has to be a 'nice' book, no murders or scary stuff.
I often had my dog and cat with me on the bed, before I met Dh, just to frighten off the 'badies'
(Not Nell, whose birth date was 8th January she would have been 16)
My dog then was Mari, a miniature poodle, I loved her so much when she died I took two days off work, I cried so much. She was a baby I didn't have.
Anyway if you've never watched The Gilmore Girls, its worth watching for a really good.... feel good factor.
I loved the Gilmore Girls. Such a great diversion from the world today!
I enjoyed the Gilmore Girls, feel good nonsense. We watch 'Frasier' or 'Cheers!'' for light relief.
I've never watched The Gilmore Girls, I'll have to look it up.
I love that your dog had the same name as me!
We all have our favorites to calm us down when our world seems to be falling apart in front of our eyes. Gilmore Girls wouldn't work for me. The Big Bang is my go to of choice. I think we are about both seeking the predictable and fun endings to the problems in those sitcoms. But if I'm really upset I end up watching dystopia type films because current events aren't as bad as in those kinds of movies and that makes me feel better. Crazy times we're living in.
I've never watched the gilmore girls. I don't wait for very long if I wake in the middle of the night before I reach for headphones and tablet to listen to bbc sounds or audible!
I've never watched The Gilmore Girls ...
All the best Jan
I think I must be 1 in a that I have never seen an episode of Gilmore Girls. I know so many love it. I must be missing something:)
I don't think I have ever watched that! Adding to my list, thanks!
There are so many nasty and scary things on TV right now - I just don't watch very much. xx
About a year ago, we started watching it on Netflix- SUCH a lovely programme!!!!
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