Thursday, 13 February 2025


There are so many horrible films on TV that I find upsetting, so if there's been something on I don't like, we watch an episode of The Gilmore Girls before bed time.
It sort of helps me to sleep because I can think about that, rather than my mind whirring round and round saving the world from horrible things;  or me counting backwards in threes from a 100 or saying the alphabet backwards!

Usually these don't work so after nearly an hour of not sleeping I read...I read until my eyes start to close. And like the Gilmore Girls it has to be a 'nice' book, no murders or scary stuff.
I often had my dog and cat with me on the bed, before I met Dh, just to frighten off the 'badies'
(Not Nell, whose birth date was 8th January she would have been 16) 
My dog then was Mari, a miniature poodle, I loved her so much when she died I took two days off work, I cried so much. She was a baby I didn't have.

Anyway if you've never watched The Gilmore Girls, its worth watching for a really good.... feel good factor. 


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