Monday, 10 February 2025

Are dreams real, what do you think?

 I don't usually remember dreams but last night's was very vivid.. I dreamt we'd moved  house, Dh's worst nightmare. He has said never again.. yes it was hard moving here and the extra cost was a surprise, especially the removal firm... but I think maybe we might, who knows?  

I've watched a few of Kate Humbles TV programmes where city people moved out into the country side, for a 'better' life, with reduced costs. They've had to work extremely hard to make a living there. But that wasn't the hardest part; the hardest part was when lockdown hit and the women mostly, were hit by immense loneliness.  And that was me when we moved to Suffolk. Although I had Dh and we were comfortable in a super house, I was overcome by anxiety and loneliness. 

I wanted to move back to Billericay, where I knew people, the area, the surrounding towns and my church, I had lived there for 44 years. Of course we didn't and tried to settle there. But I couldn't, I was suffering from insomnia, I was anxious and some days I was very, very down. 

Then I thought of moving here, my home town, the town where I was born. It wasn't easy, as it was still lockdown and although we had buyers for our Suffolk house, there was a hold up with them getting  a mortgage. By the time it was in place, the only bungalow left for sale was this one. It needed everything doing to it, so this is practically a new bungalow with new everything and  now it suits us very nicely.

So why  am I dreaming about moving? I do look up houses for sale all the time, I just like to know. And recently my daughter has moved house, so perhaps it is dwelling on my mind. But we are not moving or even thinking about it. In my dream the house we moved to was awful with an awful garden! So definitely a no no! Thank goodness it was only a dream, the garden was really, really awful! 

Some some lovely honeysuckle we planted last summer.



Joy said...

Must have been a relief to wake up!
Billericay is a very pleasant town, I think. xx

Tracy said...

A house in my village sold to a couple who had bought it after being on an episode of Escape To The Country. They moved out just a year later. Living in the countryside has a lot of downsides and is not like being on a permanent holiday, which programmes like that seem to suggest. It sounds like you have found the perfect place for you. Perhaps your dream was just a roundabout way of confirming that?

jabblog said...

Moving is no fun, but a good way to declutter!

Sooze said...

How funny to be dreaming about moving. I'd hate to have to move again, it's certainly one of the most stressful life events.....fortunately, we don't have to move.

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Do you ever look up the meaning of your dreams at I dream and remember my dreams a lot. The destroyed garden, to me, is the most interesting part of your dream. Gardens in dreams are often connected to your spiritual grown and inner peace. So a ruined garden....well, that's up to you to figure out.

Lynn and Precious said...

I bet you were glad to awaken to your lovely home and knowing the garden and the hedgehogs are waiting for you.

Mari said...

Your honeysuckle is so pretty!
I dream about moving sometimes too, but no plans for that here either.

Granny Sue said...

I have only lived in a few places: first was the tiny house where I was born, second a big old Victorian house we moved into when I was 5, third an apartment for a year after I got married at 17, fourth a dear little house where we lived for 5 years, until the yearning for land and a less populated place got too strong, next another rental while we found land and built the place I have now lived in for almost 50 years.
I know that moving is probably in my future, as living way out here gets more difficult every year. But as you know, all those years of acquiring stuff will make it a monumental task. I do not look forward to it!

Marie Smith said...

Moving is something we consider periodically but not seriously, yet.

Marcia said...

The move here in 2020 was fairly easy as we had downsized when we moved 4 years before from a house to an apartment in a senior living community. Don't see us moving again unless it's to assisted living if one of us goes and the other one left behind needs extra help.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

Sounds like more of a nightmare than a dream to me. I love looking at houses online for sale but would never contemplate moving again in reality.