Thursday, 6 February 2025

PS. A Way of Life but with fun!

 Slimming World meetings can be really boring, if all the consultant does, is just go through each member's weekly efforts one after another, without a laugh and believe me it is boring, I've sat through a few...but our consultant is very animated and full of fun. And so is our Friday morning group members, we're always laughing.

Yesterday in town, we met Fred, who hasn't been coming for a few weeks and we had a good laugh remembering his weighing 'incident.' Most people remove extra bits of clothing before stepping on the scales, some young girls strip to strappy tops even in winter! That week Fred took off his shoes, watch and a leather belt. He stepped onto the scales and his trousers dropped.. those of us who were watching burst into laughter and soon the whole hall was laughing very loudly, he did have on boxer shorts, so was decent..meeting him yesterday, we were laughing remembering it in the middle of town.

Fred asked about other members, especially one younger man, who comes every week with his dog.. Just before Christmas he got to target and our consultant asked him, was there anything different now he was at his target weight.  What he disclosed had us all hysterical with laughter , it seems that when he is in the shower, now he's lost his big belly, when he looks down he can see his 'willy.'  It was difficult for our consultant to stop us all laughing. Of course now Dh and I know him as 'willy man' 

It's good to laugh and on a frosty cold Friday morning you need some fun!


1 comment:

jabblog said...

It's good to laugh, as you say, and it's the best medicine.