Wednesday, 5 February 2025


 Sad to read that Margaret Miles-Bramwell died this week, the founder of Slimming World, which she started in 1969. The original plan was based loosely on the Hay Diet, which was not eating hay, but separating protein and carbohydrates and eating them at different times.

These days the plan is more leaning to no carbs in some meals and a good serving of protein and healthy eating with some exercise.. it works but only if you keep to it!

When I was living in Coventry, when Dh and I were first married, I used to go to SW meetings with another member, who lived near. Each week if I only lost half a pound, she used to say..'Chipping away at it Chris and paying for Margaret's yacht in the Med!'

We all lost weight as I cooked SW food plan, and Dh's twin 16 yr old daughters dropped  jean size!
I'm still following the plan with some good weeks and some not so good but I carry on, its a way of life now.#



Tasker Dunham said...

I'm one of those lucky people that can eat anything they want, and still lose weight, but I'm having to be careful now because of health. Bread seems to be a problem now because it upsets my digestion. This diet might be good for me (but with extra beer and chocolate!).

Lynn and Precious said...

Your well-being is the best thing that you can give yourself. You're working at it and that's what counts. I'm sure this lady would have been very proud of your progress.

jabblog said...

A diet isn't a diet, it's a way of life.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

Although I don't follow SW this special lady encouraged so many people with their eating habits and food lifestyles.

Marie Smith said...

A way of life is the key. I haven’t found it yet though.

Lorrie said...

Now that I'm older watching what I eat requires more attention if I want to maintain my weight. I've not heard of Slimming World before.

Lowcarb team member said...

Yes, it's a way of life ... choose wisely and keep to it!

All the best Jan

Granny Sue said...

Best is when the diet becomes the way of life. I have yet to achieve that with any diet, although I do pay attention to what I eat and aim for moderation.

Marcia said...

Sounds like you're feeling better.

diane b said...

Well done I hope you can keep at it.