Friday 20 September 2024

Victor Meldrew???

 My darling husband (Dh) is a real love, kind, loving and patient but now and then he gets a 'bee in his bonnet' and can be like a real Victor Meldrew.

Here in Wales everything is recycled and so Dh prides himself in us only having a very small amount in our blue sack, rubbish bag.. so the other week he was insensed when someone put a bulging blue sack outside our drive way, when ours was practically empty. He went on and on about it, I said go and put it outside some one else's house. Of course he didn't, but he wasn't happy.

We also have, as well as various bags for different stuff, a lidded bin for food waste.. which we do use. The younger couple down the way from us obviously don't, as the sea gulls attack her blue sack and rubbish gets strewn all over the road. Dh moans about that too, but I just laugh.. and I always say to him, we're too old to get het up about things outside our control, but he does still have a moan!

When we were talking about it, I'd said in jest.. don't go outside in your pyjamas like Victor Meldrew did, if there's a noise....... remembering the episode in 'One Foot in the Grave,' when Victor arrived back in the bedroom with a dead hedgehog on his foot. And we laughed and laughed!

Well what else can you do?


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