Friday 27 September 2024


 We love the chocolate Tiffin you can get in coffee shops but I used to make this a lot for my children and me and I still love it!


150g Rich Tea biscuits or a similar not Digestives they are too soft.

175 g Butter

200 g Sultanas or a mixture of 150 Sultanas and 50g Glace Cherries, halved.

150 dark chocolate (Greens?)

200g Cooking Chocolate

100 g Golden Syrup


In a bag crush the biscuits with a rolling pin, but not to dust, leave some chunks.

Put chocolate, butter and syrup in a bowl and either melt all over a  pan of hot water or in a Microwave.

Then fold in broken biscuits and fruit and mix thoroughly into the melted choc mixture.

Then pour into a butter greased pan.

Leave to cool.. 



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