Friday 3 November 2023

What weather!

 The number of people who think running under the waves is fun is  extraordinary! But I did it, as a child with my friends, all of us getting wet and screaming when the wave caught us!

The wind and the rain, like a lot of the south of Britain, has been really squally and heavy, we even had hailstones. 

But no damage unlike some poor people in other parts of the country, who were flooded. How do they cope with that? My son said a work mate of his's house had been flooded. They had full insurance but the sight of seeing their home in such a mess caused them such heart ache and they were told, it would be at least a year before their house would be livable again, poor family.

The RNLI here had put out warnings to keep away from the sea shore and to my knowledge no one  had got into difficulties.
We often hear the helicopter flying overhead, as we're only 10 mins from the nearest beach.
Hope everyone has survived the storm and not suffered any damage.
How was it where you live?



Joy said...

I think we were very, very lucky in mid-Essex. Strong gusts of wind and some very heavy rain but nothing too damaging, thankfully. xx

Cherie said...

I count my blessings that floods don't affect us here. It was bad enough when the tap blew off in our kitchen and caused huge amounts of damage. I can't even begin to imagine how horrible rain water floods can be.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

Heart-breaking for those who have been flooded out and or suffered with storm damage. That poor family who had their home ruined-awful.
We have been fine here. Not too much rain and wind. I think we are somewhat protected by by the hills around us.