Wednesday 8 November 2023

My biggest problem!

 Once again I'm struggling to lose weight. I indulged when it was Dh's birthday on the first of November and have found it really hard to get back on track. I know when I keep strictly to  the Slimming World plan it works, but there are so many things that are pitfalls for me.

An example is just this morning I had an email from a friend who ended her post with,....just going to have my toast and marmalade breakfast...Toast, butter and marmalade is a trigger for me, I could eat it till it was coming out of my ears!!

Just the thought of it makes my mouth water. Yes, you could have this on the SW plan, but not copious amounts!  You can boost your weight loss with the SW plan of SP, which is speed food and protein.. basically veg, fruit and protein no carbohydrates. I have done this and had a good loss, however you are advised to only do this for three days in a week.

I tried this last week, but it was really difficult and at 9:00pm I had some pasta, because I felt hungry. (I really would have liked toast)

So my weight looms large in my mind and probably causes my insomnia because I'm always thinking about it. WTMMF! (will this make me fat!)

We've hesitated to book our places for the U3A Christmas dinner, but it's a way of meeting up with other members, so we will go.

So I struggle on; our SW group meetings are lively and fun, with lots of support from other members, so why oh why can't I just get on and do it??

Any ideas anyone?



KirstenM said...

I know a lot of people gave had success with a 12 hour fasting window; I do this anyway to control reflux. So we have a light supper at 6, and then usually nothing (except 1 small piece of chocolate at ,'choc o'clock!) before bed at 10. If I eat a big meal in the evening, especially with creamy food, I know I will pay dearly for it at midnight, 2am, 4am....
I have to weigh out my muesli in the morning or I will give myself too much.
Finally, when eyeing up the temptation, I ask myself how Iwill feel about having eaten it. The the offering is really worth the calories ie totally delicious, then OK.
And never buy cheap cheap/budget/essential biscuits or cakes. They are just sugar and flour!
I do eat a small piece of cake, or a couple of small biscuits most days, and am slowly, slowly heading to a target of 10 stone. 3 pounds to go, might get there by Easter....
Hope this helps.

Sue in Suffolk said...

I'm just resigned to being overweight forever!

Latane Barton said...

Chris, I know what you mean. I had lost 6 lbs. before I came to visit my son. I haven't weighed, will do that when I get home, but I dread seeing the numbers. My son is such a good cook!

Sooze said...

No ideas, sorry, but just to say you're not alone....toast and butter (with Marmite for me), or cheese sandwiches, have always been my downfall. I love bread, but it doesn't love me!! Gives me gut ache and bloating, apart from good artisan sourdough, and even that I have to eat sparingly. Which is difficult when I want to wolf it down! My only way of avoiding eating loads of bread is simply not to buy it!

Billie Jo said...

Hello! I LOVE toast with jam! And how is it so hard to take it off, but it comes back on if I simply look at food!? I have been using the 80/20 rule. 80% healthy, 20% good stuff! Have a cozy evening.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Oh I totally get it. I too struggle constantly with my weight. I can be anywhere from 10-20 pounds overweight and I don't feel good when I cut back too much. Basically, I eat healthy and I walk briskly 1 hour /day for 4 miles but I seem to maintain and I need to get off 15 pounds.. I'm trying hard but we are taking a cruise in 2 weeks and then all the holidays! OY!

Joy said...

Toast is definitely a comfort food, especially made with really nice (maybe home made) bread. Have a bit now and again, maybe??
From my own experience, have a bit of what you really, really love helps - but a bit, not loads.
Good luck.

Angela said...

Toast is my downfall*. I too have decided I may be destined to be permanently slightly overweight. And a little extra fat keeps me warm in winter, and is a cushion I fall.
*I had breakfast with a friend who is a slimming world devotee. She put her toast onto my plate and said "please don't let it go to waste". On reflection I should have politely passed it back saying "NO-it will go to my waist, which is worse"