Sunday 12 November 2023

Do you cry reading books?

 I've just had a weepy session about the book I've just finished reading. I got so engaged with the main protagonist, I wanted her to choose the happy ending. Perhaps it was what I thought was the best for her, or was it what I would have wanted for myself?  Anyway I bawled my eyes out! This was the book, another Julie Cohen and it won't be my last by her,

A romance but not a bit 'chick lit'. Good writing, well thought out and a story to keep you guessing. It was 12:34 am when I finished it last night.

Once when I was first married, to a bit of an unfeeling bastard, (that's a story in itself, which I might tell one day) We were reading in bed and I started to cry, quietly, I add.. and he had switched off his light, and said I was annoying him. He suddenly sat up in bed, grabbed my book and took it and threw it out of the window! 

It was a library book and got very wet and had leaves stuck to it. I dried it out and did take it back to the library and offered to buy a new one, but the assistant said it was ok, it was due to be replaced soon anyway. 

I really knew all the library staff well,  as it was my favourite place to be. And they knew me really well too, as there weren't that many members who came every week or more,  trailing 4 small children behind her!  I even sent them post cards from holidays, to say where their books had visited. I took my children there every week, in fact one of my sons, when grown up had told his girl friend,  that every Saturday morning was spent at the library. And when she asked 'why?' His response was to change our books of course! The library. where ever I've lived has been my first port of call and I've always made friends with the librarian. 

Diolch yn fawr iawn. ( A big thank you )They speak Welsh here!  

Do you love your library?



Sue in Suffolk said...

I hate crying now so mainly read crime fiction which doesn't have that effect!

Chris said...

The library is one of my favorite places too - in fact I walked up to my local branch just yesterday. Normally I request books and, lo and behold, they are waiting for me within a few days! We have an excellent library system!

Joy said...

I love a good book but (hanging head in shame) usually read on my Kindle nowadays. I've just treated myself to David Mitchell's 'Unruly', advertised as a 'Horrible histories for adults'. I love history books and Mitchell always makes me laugh so fingers crossed. xx

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I cry even at just one sentence. The 2 books that always reduce me to a puddle are Wuthering Heights and Bridges of Madison County.