Friday 17 November 2023

Such heart ache.

 This morning at SW the scales showed I hadn't kept to the plan, a half pound gain, so not too bad.. but on the way out, June stopped me to thank me for commenting on her FB page about her mothers' photo and I started to weep. My mother would have been 106 on the 13th of November, and I never knew her. I was just two and a half when she died. This photo was taken when I was nine months old. 

Although my grandmother bought me up. it wasn't a happy childhood and really I was in the way; pushed from pillar to post, to different relatives on buses and trains each summer, to make room for the summer guests.  Born 1887 she had a Victorian attitude and so when I was home, she didn't spare the rod and often screamed at me she could have let me go to the workhouse.
My father had remarried and it was all arranged that my grand parents were to be my legal guardians. Speaking to June brought a flood of memories to my mind and this too. 
I remembered that instead of going home to this pretty little bundle of joy....

There was this on the spare bed. All her things, her bed, blanket, cushion which she loved and her coat with its hi-fiz stripes so she could be seen safely at night, and lead washed ready for the charity shop.

Who would think we'd have such heart ache, I can't stop crying.


Anonymous said...

Some days are beyond everything. Hope something comes your way yo lift your spirits.

Tracy said...

What a sad day. I hope tomorrow will be a brighter one for you.

Chris said...

Chin up, luv! Better days ahead for you, I hope.

Joy said...

Sending love. It hurts, I know.

Bless said...

I'm so sorry you lost your mother when you were so young and your childhood wasn't happy. That's a lovely photo of you with your parents. I'm also sorry that you've lost your beloved pet, too. (((HUGS)))