Monday 23 October 2023

Just stuff.

 Dh and I have had a crisis talk this morning, we have loads of things that need doing but we keep avoiding them, we've let things get on top of us and so hence the talk.

We've had everything major that needed doing,  done, but there are some little things that only we can do and that is sorting out the end bedroom. We have pictures, photos, books, and other stuff. And that's it, it's just stuff. Do we really want it all?

When my aunts died I had the job of clearing their house. They had lived there for over 60 years and never threw anything away. There were suitcases as well as wardrobes full of clothes, that hadn't been worn for years, but also as well as personal items there was china, boxes and boxes of it and bedding. Years earlier they used to run a  B&B business,  hence the china. The three of the four bedrooms were full. It took me several weeks with my daughter helping on one weekend and my school friend who used to come after work. I did have a firm to take some furniture and boxes of saleable items, but it was hard work.
Our end room isn't that bad but I feel if we had a concerted effort it would be clear and I could sew in there, if, if, if!!

Its a beautiful day, dry and bright and as we had a good front garden tidy on Saturday we feel ready to tackle that end room. I peeped in there and its not that bad, so I should soon be sewing again.
I have this quilt on the go, and with the weather getting colder plenty of time to sew.
We must get that room cleared of stuff.


Sue in Suffolk said...

If I was nearer I'd give you a hand with the bedroom - I love a good sort out! but having moved so many times there's not much to sort anymore

Poppypatchwork said...

I look around and see loads of 'best' stuff, none of which any of our children will want, so we are using and enjoying our best. I am now mindful of our stuff and the need to ensure our daughter in hopefully years to come, won't have too much to sort.

Tracy said...

Clearing out what you can is a good idea if only on the dusting front! We had two family homes to clear due to bereavements last year, literally one straight after the other with very little help. It was such hard work physically and mentally exhausting too.

Rosalea said...

It feels good to get stuff sorted, and disposed of. We did an immense amount of downsizing when we moved here, knowing how small this house is. It is a very freeing feeling to get rid of stuff. Recently had to deal with a relative's death, and all that stuff. It is stressful.
Your quilt squares are beautiful...hope to see the finished product.

Elizabethd said...

I am very good at closing doors on things that need sorting out!
What pretty quilt squares.

Joy said...

There must be something in the air - I'm having some clear-outs at the moment too. Maybe it is a sort of nesting thing, getting ready for the darker weather to come by making inside nice and cosy.
Lovely patchwork - the quilt will be beautiful. xx

Sal said...

Stuff! I’ve cleared so much in my lifetime!

When my parents were having a good sort out, I took loads of their books etc just so that they were ‘out of sight, out of mind’… for them…�� When you are a book lover it’s so hard to get rid! However, the worst time was when we were having our loft converted, which meant clearing that and that was a mammoth task as we had nowhere for it to go! I’m the world’s worst at keeping ‘stuff’!

Thank you for your comment on my blog…that made my day!

Have a good day! Sal ��