Friday 20 October 2023

Good day; bad night!

 We still like our coffees in the town and sometimes we are joined by my old school friend, but more often I talk to someone I met one day in town.

She, Pat, lives in a flat in one of the sheltered houses near the town.
Its always interesting to speak to her, she is very informative. Like me she walks with a Rollator, (wheels) which is how we came to speak.
I wheeled up along side her one day, and said, 'Do you want to race?' 

And we both laughed.  Like me her family lives away and she walks to town every day and then often through the main street to the promenade. It's all pedestrianised, so a pleasant walk. She always looks a bit lonely, so I look forward to seeing her. She's always happy to chat.

We managed to wander there yesterday afternoon before the heavens opened. I wanted a card for my GD, who has passed the last of her Accountancy Exams. I wanted to get a really nice one from one of the very pretty nick-nac shops.

We'd been to our Reading Book group  meeting at the library, although why I'm still going I don't know. We were given lists of books last May to choose the next 10 books and so far not one  I had chosen or one of Dh's choice have been our monthly read! In fact I haven't read the last two because I couldn't get into either and also one had very small faint print, so a big no no from me!

But today I've struggled as I'm back to bad nights. We've been to the Slimming World meeting (I lost a miserly pound!) And then drove to Costa, not our own town one, but out of town, just for a change. It was crowded and very noisy so we sat outside under the awning in the dry. We weren't cold, but then we both wear wool. me a cardi and Dh a jumper, under our coats. It was really pleasant in the fresh air and interesting to watch the cars and people. 

Home now and the plan is to do some housework!

But I'm back to bad nights. I started to cry about Nell when we switched off our lights last night and then couldn't get off to sleep. I kept remembering her warm, chunky body pressed against my legs when she wanted something. Strange but true, when she wanted nibbles in an evening, she came to me to ask Dh for her. It was always quite funny how she turned back to face me and then looked to Dh; such a love.

Dh talked me through it stroking my back, he is so good to me and eventually I dropped off.. but woke at 2:30 and couldn't get back to sleep. Stuck it in bed for an hour and then went into the lounge with my kindle. I crawled back into bed about 6 ish and bliss went to sleep, till Dh gently woke me to get ready for SW. I was in a deep sleep, warm and comfortable, the best sleep I've had for ages. And all for a miserly pound!

So I have to get myself together and crack on, as our SW consultant once said was said to her, when she complained about her weight to her then Dr.

So another week has whizzed by!

What have your nights or days been like?



Elizabethd said...

Chris, I too know what sleepless nights are like, and have tried different ways to cope, usually ending up reading far too long. I hope you can find some rest time.

Joy said...

A pound off is not miserly - think two pack of butter! Well done to you!

I go through sleepless spells - right now I am waking up at around two thirty and it's had to get soundly back to sleep. Frustrating but it will go in time, I expect.
I hope yours sorts out soon. xx

Rosalea said...

So sorry too hear of your loss of Nell. Our critters take big pieces of our hearts, but as time goes on, their memory brings smiles instead of tears. It is so hard though.
Any sort of stress keeps me awake at night, so I try to avoid it! I've found that focusing on counting slow, deep breaths work, but you have to keep yanking your mind back to where it wanders to. A dab of lavender oil on your temples may help a bit.