Monday 1 July 2024

Its a comfort.

 Every now and then I choose an easy read book, nothing too taxing but an author that I like, what I call a comfort read.  So I'm the same about TV programmes and Christine Walkden's TV show about her and her garden is quite lovely and very pleasant to watch.

A qualified horticulturist she travels all over the world giving talks and lectures. She's very down to earth, knowledgeable but also entertaining.
She gets on well with her neighbours especially Reg, who was 72 when this series were filmed (2005)
In the 6th episode, she is off to China to be a guide in some famous gardens for a Holiday Company and Reg and her other neighbour, Louise , have volunteered to look after her garden and her hundreds of house plants.
Before she leaves she gives them strict instructions on the watering of her precious garden. Personally I'd be really nervous to be left in charge of her garden, but Reg, just laughs and is his usual jovial self. And we see him with the hose spraying all round on the foliage, not as Christine had instructed, but he was smiling and happy doing it.

Dh and I once volunteered to water some friend's garden. It was a 15 min drive away and their instructions were for watering every other day. We used to go early-ish and have a cuppa and sandwich after the watering, as it was very pleasant in their garden, so no hardship.

When Christine arrived back there were a few plants a bit dry but on the whole all was ok.
To thank Reg and Louise and their other halves, she invited them for a Chinese Take Away and then after, she showed them some of her slides she had taken while away. There were a few yawns and Louise went to sleep!  There were a lot of slides!!

It's a lovely programme and she is easy to listen to. When talking about how she liked to eat her carrots, with new potatoes, courgettes and maybe some meat or not, she likes them with lashings of butter! She said, 'You don't get to be my size if you don't like butter!'

A very enjoyable programme, if like me you love gardening.



jabblog said...

It sounds like an interesting programme, not at all taxing.

Mari said...

We do like gardening shows. We watch Gardeners World with Monty Don. Will have to look for this one!

Lynn and Precious said...

I do love gardens and doing my own gardening, even though the past 11 years is limited by the deer. Anything related to gardening is entertaining and very often so informative.

Marie Smith said...

The series sounds great!

Will said...

Christine Walkden is a regular on BBC R4 Gardeners Question Time (episodes are on BBC Sounds app), and as you say, full of good down-to-earth common sense.

Jules said...

I enjoy watching Christine's show. She seems very down to earth. Xx

Granny Marigold said...

I like comforting books and TV shows too. I don't want to watch scary or tense shows. Real life gives enough of that sort of thing. I wish we got that gardening show here but I have never seen it.

I hope by now you're feeling much better after your horrible infection. Happy new month 🎈🎈🎈🎈.
It's Canada Day and the family will descend on us shortly for our annual July 1 BBQ.
Pray for me ( just joking).

Lowcarb team member said...

That does sound very enjoyable.
Thanks for highlighting it.

All the best Jan

doodles n daydreams said...

It sounds like a nice relaxing programme, no real drama apart from not watering the plants properly :)