Sunday 28 July 2024

Like a tree being felled!

 Such a lovely day yesterday I decided I'd do a little weeding while Dh was cutting the grass.  But what I've dreaded happened, I tried to dug up a clump of grass in the fence bed and thump, the worst happened. I over balanced and went down like a tree being felled. On to my right side, my broken arm and shoulder replacement, went wacked onto the ground.

Dh came running as I shouted out and there I was on my side on  the grass. And I couldn't get up. Dh went to get the builder working on one of the houses in the road. But every movement was causing me a lot of pain in my arm and shoulder.

We had to phone the Emergency Services. Ambulance said there was a 4 hour wait!!! So I phoned the fire service and through tears I explained and asked for help. The operator said she'd get back to me and when she did it was with great relief to hear, that a crew would be with me shortly. Four arrived and in no time at all I was upright and so relieved. I had been on the ground for over and hour. They managed to get a wide strap under me, then with one man each side and one balancing me in front, they lifted me up. I walked carefully with my walking stick up my new steps into the lounge and thankfully into my chair. Their First Aider checked me over, and the chief fireman checked the new handrail on  my steps and the grab bar! All ok!

Anyway I'm alright but in a lot of pain I didn't sleep too badly but I will have a nanny nap this afternoon and I won't be gardening!

They left saying, no trouble, glad you're alright and what a lovely garden!



KirstenM said...

Well! What a service! Glad someone came to the rescue.

Blods said...

Sorry to hear about your fall, glad nothing was broken, hope the pain subsides quickly. Take care Blods xx

jabblog said...

How enterprising of you to call the fire brigade. Hope the pain is reducing now. Sleep is a good cure.

Live and Learn said...

Oh, my. So sorry this happened. I hope the pain will ease, and you'll be back in your garden soon.

Anonymous said...

Trouble is in our heads we are still young fit and capable.Glad you got help I would never have thought of that, take it easy xx

Mari said...

Oh Chris - I'm so sorry! Hoping the pain is soon gone!

Lynn and Precious said...

So very sorry to hear you had this happen. So very painful. Thank goodness for the fire crew and their attentiveness. Feel much better soon.

Granny Sue said...

Oh Chris, I am so sorry to hear this, and that you are still in pain. What a thing to happen. I am so glad you got experienced help, and that they were so kind too. That helps a lot, doesn't it? Take care, dear lady, and let us know how you get on.

Tracy said...

I'm glad you got the help you needed. Hope the pain soon subsides. x

Margie from Toronto said...

So sorry to hear about this - but thank God for the fire crew! My stepmom had to call them a couple of times when my dad fell (he had Parkinsons) and he was a big man, over 6 feet and she just couldn't manage. They were amazing and so patient about everything. Please be careful and have a good rest.

Kathy G said...

What a kerfuffle! Glad to hear that in the end things were okay.

Bless said...

Glad to hear that you were able to walk after your fall and you don't have anything broken! Falling and getting hurt is a big concern of mine, too. I've fallen in the garden a few times, myself, but, so far, managed not to break anything. You might be bruised for several days; take it easy.

Granny Marigold said...

Bless those firemen!! How fortunate that they were able to come quite quickly and help get you back on your feet. I hope you didn't damage your shoulder and arm too badly. Falling is a constant hazard especially out in the garden:(

Joy said...

Oh, Chris, what a nasty thing to happen. A bit of a surprise that the fire brigade was able to help more than the paramedics, but I suppose it makes sense really. Thank goodness for them.

Jules said...

Oh no! That must have been a horrible shock for you. I'm relieved the fire brigade were able to help, and that you didn't need to wait all that time for the paramedics.
I hope you're okay. Xx