Wednesday 31 July 2024


 Thank you for your commiserations after my fall, I am slowly getting over it although my shoulder and arm are still very sore and hurt like mad when I move it. Getting in and out of bed is the worst and so I haven't slept very well. So still taking it easy. 

I showered Monday for the first time after it, as I always hang onto to the grab bar with my right hand, even though we have non slip rubber mats, so just a bit nervous. Then once dressed with groans and Dh's help, I ventured out into the garden and walked all round with my walking stick. It took a lot of strength, because the fear of falling again, was in my mind, but I knew if I didn't get out there right away I may not walk out there again; I think my digging days are over!

I still wonder how I fell and believe it or not,  there was no one more surprised than me, to find myself lying down on my right side on the grass than me! Dh came running fast and my tears flowed, especially when I realised I couldn't get up. But looking at the area now where I fell, its weed free, I had done that before I went over. Dh had helped to sit up, so while I was waiting and knew help was on the way, I pulled up some small weeds with small pink flowers! This is my favourite weed, because it pulls up easily with the root intact! LOL!

What a horrible time it was, 27th July will stay in my mind for quite a while. And since then Dh has admitted the Ambulance service had said the wait was 4 to 8 hours but he didn't want to tell me.

And we did enjoy our Anniversary in our own way. Thank you for your good wishes.. we had a Chinese Take-Away, very different for us, so a real treat. 


Monday 29 July 2024



18 very very happy years.


Sunday 28 July 2024

Like a tree being felled!

 Such a lovely day yesterday I decided I'd do a little weeding while Dh was cutting the grass.  But what I've dreaded happened, I tried to dug up a clump of grass in the fence bed and thump, the worst happened. I over balanced and went down like a tree being felled. On to my right side, my broken arm and shoulder replacement, went wacked onto the ground.

Dh came running as I shouted out and there I was on my side on  the grass. And I couldn't get up. Dh went to get the builder working on one of the houses in the road. But every movement was causing me a lot of pain in my arm and shoulder.

We had to phone the Emergency Services. Ambulance said there was a 4 hour wait!!! So I phoned the fire service and through tears I explained and asked for help. The operator said she'd get back to me and when she did it was with great relief to hear, that a crew would be with me shortly. Four arrived and in no time at all I was upright and so relieved. I had been on the ground for over and hour. They managed to get a wide strap under me, then with one man each side and one balancing me in front, they lifted me up. I walked carefully with my walking stick up my new steps into the lounge and thankfully into my chair. Their First Aider checked me over, and the chief fireman checked the new handrail on  my steps and the grab bar! All ok!

Anyway I'm alright but in a lot of pain I didn't sleep too badly but I will have a nanny nap this afternoon and I won't be gardening!

They left saying, no trouble, glad you're alright and what a lovely garden!


Saturday 27 July 2024

We went to the Olympics!

Will you be watching the Olympics or perhaps you've planned to go to Paris? We were very fortunate to go to the 2012 Olympics. Where we  lived in Essex, was the rail line that went to Stratford, the Olympic park. So getting to the games was just a 25 min train ride for us and when you booked your tickets through the Olympic web site, it was very reasonable.

When the date was given to apply for tickets I did. I applied for 30, but how we were going to pay for them all I hadn't thought about.

Anyway we got 15 tickets for different Para-Olympic events and the closing ceremony. So we went every day for a whole week!

It was amazing and wonderful, on two days we attended 3 different events. We sat in the wild garden area each day and ate our packed lunches with fresh bought coffee and cakes. We walked miles, it was a very big site and beautifully laid out.

I really value that we went, it was a once in a life time experience and I'll always remember it.

I wrote about it  here

So this year in Paris, Go GB Go!


Friday 26 July 2024

A Salesman!

 Because of my mammoth shopping for 1 cushion and 30 rings for the curtain poles, I had to take it easy yesterday. It wasn't IKEA but Dunelm Mill and it's a huge store.. Talking to my eldest son in the evening we had a laugh because, when he had to drop out of Uni, because of his illness, he had a job in a soft furnishing store. He was only working there 18 months when he was made a manager.

It had its stress times, because store sales are judge on the previous years sales.. Summer time is a slow time for soft furnishing, unless its wet weather! And so he was always thinking of ways to improve sales and he did well, so well he was made a 'Trouble Shooter Manager' This meant he was  put in failing stores to improve their sales. He was a perfectionist on how to make the shelves look perfect. Through him I know how to fold a towel to make it look fluffy, full and neat! He even went to look at local estates, which all had uniformed size windows in the new build houses, so he could display curtains on mock windows the same size in the store. 

He has a way about him and good interpersonal skills, so he did well.. he is a sales man! He was moved to different stores.. one store in the west side of Essex, bordering the East End of London wasn't easy, there were too many markets near by. It was a big store and they had displays of a full rooms, beds, furniture and nick knacks.

 The bedroom display spread outside on to the pavement.. It was a busy Saturday and the bedding on the single bed outside sold right away, so my son asked his two Saturday workers to go and put a new duvet and pillows on the outside bed. They did, but failed to connect up the chains that were anchoring it to the shop front when they had finished. And the next thing they saw, was the bed with bedding disappearing down the road, being carried by two young women! My son was not pleased, but was able to laugh about it, but not till months later. He stayed with that firm for a few more years. From that he opened up his own furniture shop and and did really well. But then decided to do what he had always wanted, and after a college course in photography, that's what he does now. 

He photographs car and motorcycle races and travels all over Europe as well as UK. He loves it and spends hours perfecting the photographs so that they sell. When the work slows down in the winter months he has an ebay shop selling cameras and watches. I didn't know that there are auctions that sell old cameras, lenses, and watches etc. He buys job lots, repairs them and insert batteries and sells them. Always the sales man, during lock down when there was no racing to photograph, he started repairing cameras and kept his  head above water as it were. I'm so pleased for him, its not been easy with his illness which altered the course of his life. I'd introduce you to him, but you'd have to be strong because there'd be a good chance he'd sell you something!


Wednesday 24 July 2024



I'm feeling every day of my life today, not that I did anything fantastically energetic yesterday, just old! Do you get those days when just showering and getting dressed is like you've climbed a mountain?
Yesterday we went to one of those stores that are planned so you have to walk a mile just to find the cash desk... and the very aisle we needed with the cushions had a couple of people debating the colours standing bang in the middle. It meant I had to walk all around the shelves to get to the other end of it.. And then what we wanted was on another floor, the stairs were right there, but the lift was hidden somewhere around the back end of the stairs more walking.
When we eventually came out I thought I'd walked a mile, probably it was half a mile, up and down, up and down, up and down those aisles! I felt shattered by the time we got back to the car.
I need to do some exercises but perhaps not running. Is it an age thing?


Tuesday 23 July 2024

The Saga of Fuzzypeg

 The first time we knew we had a hedgehog in our garden was last year in September. We had popped Nell out for her last wee and we heard her yelp and we saw the little fellow running away. We didn't put out any food then, as with having a dog, she'd have eaten it. But we continued to see the little poos around the garden.

Then a few weeks ago this year, we saw him/her and put out cat food in saucers, they tipped up when he walked over them! We started researching hedgehogs and then bought hedgehog food and two little dishes. When we put it out that first evening, we didn't think he was  coming, but 9:30 he arrived and ate the food. We were like little children smiling and giggling as we watched.

This was a book I had as a child, written by Alison Uttley (1884-1976) She wrote over 100 books, and  in the series of 'Little Grey Rabbit' introduced Fuzzypeg, a little hedgehog. I loved it and had another one too, where he goes to school, so hence the name.

Of course now we have seen another one as well as Fuzzypeg. So last night we put out 2 lots of food, one lot in the usual place on the patio where we can see him easily, and the other half was up the garden. It was gone 9 and no Fuzzypeg on the patio, but then we saw one eating the food in the middle of the garden, was it Fuzzypeg? It was too far away so we couldn't really judge the size, then another one arrived, and he was bigger and they both shared the food! So we're calling the second one Draenog, which is Welsh for hedgehog (pronounced Dray-nog)
Draenog, decided he'd had enough and came down to the patio, but missed the dish of food and went into flower bed and we watched him make his way alongside the fence, to the bit where there is a hole under it and off he went. Fuzzypeg did the same and he too missed the dish of food and went off under the fence.
The dish was licked clean looking the next morning!
So Dh is putting out 2 lots of food, they're a hungry pair, but so lovely to watch and you can hear them munching.

ps, Blood test was fine.

Monday 22 July 2024



I have the dreaded blood tests today, which in recent years I've come to hate and fear. Some nurses are fine, but I've had few who fail to find a viable vein on the first go and then prod me in others, each time saying just a sharp prick! 

I have been known to let my feelings be known so loudly, they can be heard in the waiting room! The one time, the girl gave up and the head honcho came and blood flowed at her first attempt! 

The very worse one was a junior Dr who left me black and blue with bruises and tears streaming down my face.. So I'm drinking pints of water in readiness before we go.

Wish me luck!


Sunday 21 July 2024

After the sun came the rain...

 Saturday, our town had a Police day with an exhibition and fun day about the early police force here.

Held in the old police station, which is a museum now. Can't say I've seen these, but evidently there are some on the front prom in an evening, during the summer season.

The rain didn't arrive till lunch time, but this morning stepping outside was like stepping out of a plane in a hot country. The humidity was over whelming, I was off to have my hair cut and styled, so I'm tidy now.

You could practically hear the garden sucking up the rain. With sandy soil, our garden gets very dry, but it was so needed, we watched from inside and cheered!

We had quite a surprise last evening, Fuzzypeg didn't arrived till gone 9, then he dived into the dish of food. He eats with one foot in the dish and as we watched him. another much larger hedgehog arrived|! Fuzzypeg turned to face him and the second hedgehog disappeared back in to the shrubs. 
He was a lot larger than our little Fuzzypeg, so is he a parent one? We're waiting to see what happens next.


Saturday 20 July 2024

Cat stopped traffic!

 Friday is our SW weighing day (Slimming world.) Both Dh and myself gained half a pound, we think although we kept to plan, we ate too much with our sedentary week. My itchy disturbed nights meant dozy days, so no walking! But hey ho, that's only 8 ounces, and we can cope with that. Dh thinks he might have eaten some extras, when he was alone in the kitchen, or hidden in the pantry! What??

After the meeting we drove into town to buy some more anti-histamine cream and insect repellent. But there was a huge queue going into the town car park and we thought it was a big mistake, especially as the queue didn't seem  to be moving. Eventually we inched into the car park, only to discover why there was a queue, there was a cat stretched out in the sunshine and blocking the entrance! No one had attempted to move it, but were curving round it.. Fortunately as we approached it got up, twirled round and lay down again, but not bang in the middle of the entrance. 

Gosh it was hot, 25.2°C but with windows open there was a slight breeze in the Scout hut. We chatted to Fran who has the coffee unit on West End Ave, which is the promenade. She comes to SW, so knows those of us who buy a coffee from her and maybe a biscuit or even an ice cream, but she never tells! She was saying with this hot spell of weather, she was still serving coffee and cakes Thursday evening, as late as 9 pm as there were so many people still walking around in the late sunshine.

Town was buzzing, the sunshine had brought out the people, the veg shops had their stalls out on the pavements and the lovely flower shop too. There was a singer serenading and he was good, a real holiday atmosphere. 

So we start the food plan again in this new week, but with the sunshine we sort of feel we're on holiday, and that's dangerous for dieters, because being in the holiday mode means fish n chips and ice cream! I will be saying every morning, ' Today I'm on plan!' Do you have treats on holidays?


Friday 19 July 2024

A Debut Novel.

Celeste Ng's impressive debut novel is an absorbing and emotionally  resonant study of the fragility of family life, the burden of expectation and the suffocating pressures when a child is forced to inherit their parents dreams.

The story is as much one of the mysterious circumstances surrounding the death of a favourite child age 16, Lydia, as it is about the meeting and marriage of Marilyn Walker, a studious white Virginian with ambitions of becoming a Doctor and James Lee, a first generation Chinese American graduate hoping to secure a teaching position at his alma marter, Harvard.

It goes back and fro in time and as we learn more about each member of the family, the unhappiness of the family members become apparent. With the death of Lydia, more of the story unravels, James is consumed with guilt and sets out on a path that will destroy his marriage. Marilyn, devastated and vengeful sets out to make someone accountable, no matter what the cost. Nath, Lydia's  brother is convinced that local bad boy Jack is somehow involved. But it's Hannah, the youngest of the family who observes far more than the rest of the family realises and may know more of what really happened.

This was our July book group read and although I did enjoy it I was glad to get it finished!


Thursday 18 July 2024

Will they be an asset?

It seems that there have been 1428 people crossing the 21 mile channel since the Labour Government took power. What is so appealing to people to come here? If you think its the benefits they'll get, you're wrong. They get very little, around about £300 a month and often housed in old army huts or blocks of flats. They may also get child benefits and free school dinners, but not a fortune, not luxury by any means.. to the argument they are fearing the regime of their 'home' country, if that's the case why not choose one of the other countries in Europe? No, they want to come here to UK, why?

When I was teaching, one year, we had an all counties conference about Travelers, who were flooding the area of Essex where I taught. One school was having very big problems keeping regular staff, because of the problems caused by traveler children, 80% of the children were travelers. I've taught traveler children age 7,  they were well below the levels in English and Maths.

And yet later on in my teaching, I worked in a school where there was a large number of Fair Ground owner's children. They weren't easy, nor were their parents!

But going back to immigrants, I'd teach those any day over, traveler or fair ground children. Immigrant children want to learn, they want to succeed and so do their parents want that, for them. 

Having spent a lot of time in hospital (4 different ones )with my broken arm, the ward staff were mostly immigrants, the assistant nurses were mostly Eastern European, ok not illegal, but they wanted to come here to work. They were amazing, working hard and nothing was too much trouble. Although, the young lady serving the breakfasts just didn't understand de-caff tea and I had coffee, but Dh saved the day, bringing me one from the Costa stall! But they worked hard and were happy in their work.

So what to do? The present Government has scrapped the Rwanda plan and say they will divert the £75 million from this, to enhance the Border Security Command to put in place the immigration plan. What is it? I haven't read anything they want to do .... yet! 

 It's a problem, are they over burdening our all ready struggling NHS, housing, schools, etc?  But its so sad that people are willing to pay thousands and face an unsafe crossing to come here.. should we be worried about these people, are they taking benefits or jobs from UK residents, or are they an asset? 


Wednesday 17 July 2024


 I itched off and on for part of yesterday, although I did have some respite for a couple of hours. Dh streamed cold water down my back, which is the worst area with 5 bites! Why didn't I feel getting bitten?

Anyway cooling my back worked and then with anti-histamine cream I had total relief all afternoon.

I was then able to clean the bathroom, and tidy the bedroom. I don't have a 'chair-robe' any more. All clothes sorted either, hung up, in the washing basket and some... drum roll a bag for a charity shop! 

Later in the garden we cut out the wild rose sent to me instead of  the climbing rose Starlight Symphony I sent for.... its a year since I ordered it and its taken several months to convince them the rose wasn't right, even with photographs. Then we dead headed the roses, I cut back the spent lupins, the aquilegia and took out the tomato side shoots. And that was that, one of the benefits of having gardener, we just did the easy jobs. I did hoe the top of the fence garden, where some small weeds were showing growth, I do love hoeing weeds to death!

I slept quite well in spite of the bites, so I hope I will to tonight. Dh is going to cool my back down again and then the put on the cream, so I hope for a good sleep tonight too, I really do! Who'd believe itching could be so awful.

Dh has been on line buying dishes for the hedgehog food! Because we only had a plastic tub and as you can see he tips it up!


Isn't he a cutie?

Tuesday 16 July 2024

Was it good or bad??

 Yes this is our Fuzzypeg, at about 8:15 pm in the rain rooting around in the split bird seed, not where he usually mooches!  We hadn't put out the food, because he doesn't usually arrive till 9.. so such a surprise to see him. And he then disappeared under the fence, a hole left for a hedgehog pathway, long before we knew we had a visiting hedgehog. So Dh nipped out and put out his food, then when we looked 15mins later, the food had gone!

But my post isn't about him but this little b*****r who went down inside my loose cotton dress yesterday and decided my plump body was tasty!

I have bites on my back, belly, bum and top of my left leg! I didn't feel the  bites when they happened,  but ouch are they itching! We were awake at 5 and Dh was putting the cream on my back!
We had the gardener coming again at 9, so although we went back to bed, I slept fitfully.
Then I sat all day with bags of ice in various places on my body keeping the bites cool so I'm not tempted to scratch.. but I want to!
Gosh the bites do itch something awful.
So a bad day, but the gardener made a very good job of the weeding and the garden is looking good. And Fuzzypeg is lovely, he looked right up at us, you could see his little black nose and eyes!


Monday 15 July 2024

A family tradition.

 We are Sunday dinner people, regardless of the summer weather , we have to have our Sunday dinner.

Yesterday we had Welsh shoulder of lamb with cabbage, sprouting broccoli, carrots, new potatoes and mint sauce and all that veg was from our own little veg patch. (Sorry no pics of the dinner) It was absolutely delicious, we ate silently savouring every bite.

One of the first photos of Dh digging that patch in March 2022, it's grown a bit bigger since then.

At the moment we have the runner beans starting to grow on the new bamboo canes, especially bought this year, extra long so there was a problem getting them delivered, as the vans weren't long enough for the sticks! Along side the beans, we have cabbage, sprouting broccoli, carrots, lettuce, radish and shallots, the garlic did well this year too. The potatoes are grown in bags and I grow tomatoes in pots. All are looking very healthy at the moment, watered and fed regularly. We have an abundance of herbs all grown in a large pot and large clumps of parsley dotted around the garden.

We have tried not having a dinner in very hot weather, but missed it so badly we had one on the Monday, but it wasn't the same. Before I met Dh, my Sunday routine never altered, as soon as I arrived home from church, the oven went on and I cooked myself a dinner. 

My daughter and family often came, it was traditional. My granddaughter as small child would often come in through the front door, saying, 'Oooo Sunday dinner smells' she loved gravy!

Once when I drove to them for Sunday dinner, when she was a lot older and was the cook that day, she greeted me with, 'Good you're here, can you make the gravy please Grandma?'

It was always a family tradition, while other houses around us were BBQ-ing, we had our Sunday dinner, meat and vegetables and thick gravy!

What about you, do you have a Sunday dinner?


Sunday 14 July 2024


      There are stars you haven't seen, 

Loves you haven't loved,

There's light you haven't felt,

And sunrises yet to down,

There are dreams you haven't dreamt,

And days you haven't lived, 

And nights you won't forget, 

And flowers yet to grow,

And there's more to you that you have yet to know!



Saturday 13 July 2024

We love our garden

 We have had an afternoon in the garden, bulking up the flower beds. I hoed a few weeds to death and Dh over turned the soil, which is growing bird seed underneath the bird feeders.

We have very sandy soil which dries out very quickly, so we've added some home grown compost and some bought top soil. This is my favourite flower bed, which is west facing and is in front of the side wall of our bungalow, so gets very hot. The antirrhinums are lovely and grown from seed. 

The honeysuckle we can smell in the evening when we're watcing out for our visitor, who cheekily has taken to walking over the top flower bed, rather than walk round it!

The climbing roses are coming into their own now and the scent is heavenly.

And I planted a clematis with this one,( Eat your heart out Monty, we too are gardeners!)

And although this Johnson Blue geranium looks glorious, it was to have the vivid splash of orange crocosmia, but some little creepy crawly had eaten the buds before they fully opened!

But it has flourished and is spilling nicely over the patio, perhaps next year!
We did sit for a while and admire our handy work.  Not bad for two oldies, a garden from scratch in three years.


Friday 12 July 2024


 End of Summer is a Swedish drama (BBC 4) and if you can cope with subtitles is an excellent watch, to be honest you don't really notice them after a while.

Its a griping story of a young woman, Vera who is a therapist in a group of people who are trying to cope with the loss of someone.

20 years previously her 5 year old brother, Billy disappears.  A  hauntingly familiar young man joins her group, which forces her to unravel the truth about her brothers disappearance.

It is such a good story and I defy anyone to guess the ending.

Well worth the watch.


Thursday 11 July 2024

10K Race

 This was the scene on Sunday, the annual 10k race, this was the end when people are milling around talking about their efforts.

No need to peer to see where I am, because I'm not there! Racing or even walking at speed is not my thing!

It might do me good, but I know someone who enters a lot of races and she doesn't lose any more weight than I do.. Last night I dreamt I was pulling on a pair of knickers, that I know I threw out years ago. White cotton with little red flowers and a waist band that was always a bit tight to pull up. Probably that's why I threw them out. But in my dream they slipped on easily, perhaps it was in the days when I was under 10 stone! So I dream I'm slim! Ha ha.

Fuzzypeg can run, we saw him last night, he'd followed the trail of food (Thank you for the suggestions) on to the patio, where there was a dish of food, then mooched a bit, then he legged up to the top of the garden, really running, went across a flowerbed under the hedge and was gone! It's so entertaining to watch him.


Wednesday 10 July 2024


 July 8th, there were missile strikes on Kiev which hit a children's hospital, why?

The news reporting it, was awful, a woman looking for her daughter who was having dialyses, running through the wreckage shouted 'I don't know whose hand that is'  How are people living through this..what is it all about?
I can't imagine how it must feel to have a child in a hospital that's bombed, what anguish. It made me think of when my son was in hospital, I was there every afternoon as soon as school had finished, making sure he was comfortable, straightening his sheets, making sure his drip hadn't run out, getting anything he needed. 

And these poor children are in rubble, dust, bedlam! 41 killed, 120 injured.

Karl Marx said 'the root of everything is money' ...

 his own words......

“Money is the universal, self-constituted value of all things. Hence it has robbed the whole world... of its proper value. Money is the alienated essence of man's labour and life, and this alien essence dominates him as he worships it.”

Ukraine is a country rich in many things, so a target for Russia.

But the people are the ones who are suffering. 

We, Great Britain give aid,  so those who moan about money going out of our country to help foreign ones, thank the Lord its not us being bombed.


Tuesday 9 July 2024

A Senior Moment or a Biden?

 Yesterday I sat outside in the garden just 'wool gathering.' I needed the quiet, the sunshine and the flowers. So many blessings but sometimes I allow memories to cloud my thoughts. And then I gaze out at our garden and my mind is quietened. 

Often when Dh and I are chatting, if we forget the word we want, we used to say a 'Senior moment.' A 'saying' first said by lovely Terry Wogan, when you forget a word. I used to listen to his morning programme driving to work each morning. He was such a lovely man and I loved to listen his chat and got used to his sayings. And he introduced me to Alison Krauss and I loved her song, 'Now that I've found you.' My daughter played this so often, that my Grand daughter at age 3 could sing this all the way through!
And of course Eva Cassidy's 'Over the Rainbow,' But I digress, is forgetting a word, just a Senior moment? I hope so, although its said if you know you've forgotten a word, you haven't got Alzheimer's.

But having seen Biden's disastrous speech, when he seemed to forget the whole sentence and talked, 'salad.' That was awful. I hadn't heard of this saying so looked it up. 
'Word Salad,' ....When a person is unable to organize their thoughts into coherent sentences or phrases. And that was certainly true of Biden. It was agonizing to watch as his mouth moved, but nothing of any sense came out! If only he covered up his confusion by saying something like, 'too tired to think straight at the moment, give me a second, while I gather my thoughts'  it wouldn't have been so bad.

So now Dh and I say 'Senior moment' or is it a 'Biden'? When we can't think of the word.

I once forgot the word, 'sun dial.' looked it up on the internet and haven't forgotten it since. I searched for.... garden ornament that can tell the time by a shadow!!
Do you have those 'senior moments?'


Sunday 7 July 2024

What happened next...

 .... the Dr I saw lovely, very understanding she has given me different tabs to see how that goes. She listened without saying anything. I had said I was desperate to have a full nights sleep instead of this having to get up every 2 hours for the loo. I explained I am so desperate, I'm happy to pay to have my bladder removed and a bag. She thought that was a bit extreme and there could be too many complications. But I came away feeling I had been listened to and a date booked for a further appointment. And I had a carrier bag of stuff, tabs, creams, and wash solution.. And she queried my age! I did say I may not look it, but I certainly feel it!

The young gardener girl did a super job, and well worth the money. We have 2 flower beds weed free and the soil looks nicely turned over. We've been out to buy some compost to top dress the one bed, which is like sand. So I'm very happy and will have her again.

The Chair.

Dh and I talked and talked about it.. I had been to other show rooms, I had 3 other catalogues and talked with sales people on the phone. This has been onward going since last summer. So I tried a cushion on the seat and  then all the controls in different positions to find the most comfortable position for me. The thought of going to yet more showrooms  etc is just toooo much.. So with careful consideration I decided I'd keep it, but have the controls on the other side. Ha ha ......£60 for an engineer to come and change it, even though I argued that it should have been changed over for me, as I had said in the show room I had a duff right arm.. So Dh has stretched the curly cable and we (probably me ) will sew a ring or something to stop the controls falling down where I can't reach it. And it's been fine, I'm using my old stool and its working ok for me, with my feet on it. It wasn't easy to decide this, but I do have to have a chair, although the new M&S arm chair is comfy too, my head isn't supported like The Chair!

But I needed to air my misgivings and talk it through, as we all do at times! What do you think?


Saturday 6 July 2024


 We see the hedgehog in our garden every night now, usually around about 9 o'clock, so light enough to see him really well.  He arrives at one end of our garden from under the fence and then trundles across the patio, up one side of our garden, stops off at the bird feeder in the middle., where Dh has scattered meal worms there, just for him and then comes back down half way of the garden and climbs up a step to proceed up the side path, past all my pots of tomatoes and then to the very top end of the garden and off out through the bottom of the copper beech hedge!

He's a good size and can walk quite fast. I love the way he walks up the edge of the actual flower beds, mooching around. The other night we went outside to watch him by the bird feeder and you could hear picking at the grass.

(Stock pic)
So what do hedgehogs do all night? Evidently just walk around looking for food and looking for a mate. He does a lot of poos!

We are fascinated by him and have to watch him each night.

The Alison Uttley books were favourites of mine when I was little and I loved the stories of Fuzzypeg, whose mum was always mending the holes in his clothes from his prickles, so he looked tidy for school!

We feel so proud that we have a hedgehog, who loves our garden and comes each evening to trundle around it snuffling and mooching and eating! Who knows we might get a family here with babies. Wouldn't that be exciting.


Friday 5 July 2024

When in doubt both feet out!

 That was what my driving instructor said to me many many years ago.... brake!! Now I apply that to all life situations.

So...yesterday after another night awake worrying, I spent the morning on the phone.

First to a gardener, a young woman who we had agreed to come and help us in the garden to do some weeding.  I tried to look her up on FB but she wasn't there, no web page either,  so no portfolio to look at.. Was she qualified, was she experienced, was she ok? Anyway she assured me she knew what she was doing.. and as Dh said, what's the worst she could do? If she digs up a plant, we'll buy another one.

Then the Drs,, I had an appointment on 18th July with a Dr who's name I didn't recognize.. so phoned to ask who was she, how long had she been at the surgery. It seems she's been there a year, but her name was not on the list on the surgery web site. She is a Registrar getting in some practice to be a GP.. I stated I wasn't happy and would rather have a regular Dr. At 81 with a chronic urinary condition I want someone, who actually knows about me. So now have an appointment today with a Dr I've spoken to on the phone.

Then the most difficult phone call. I'm not that happy with this electric chair..the seat is too hard, if I lift up my legs with the lift up bit, my carves are resting flat on it, so could I get a DVT? And the controls are on the right side where my duff arm is, so proving difficult, but evidently I could have had them on the left, if an engineer came out to see it. I listened quietly while she went through her sales talk, but I held fast to, I would like my money back £1608.15.Yes I can, minus £60 collection charge.. 

After all that I was exhausted, I'd only had 5 hours sleep, and broken at that so not a proper sleep.

We wait and see what happens with the chair, but a weight has been lifted off my mind.


Thursday 4 July 2024

What will happen after Friday?

 I see all the regular TV Friday shows are being dropped on Friday for continuous coverage of the post election news. If the polls and surveys are correct it looks like the Labour party will have something like 400 MPs. 

Chatting to my son we both aired views as to what we think might happen with the labour party in power. One thing we both thought was Council Tax will rise, a tax that everyone in a house owned or rented has to pay for local services. 

But what does it actually pay for? It is to support local services, rubbish collection, fire service, police, street lighting, libraries, public toilets, parks, street repairs and so on. But if the money is not spent wisely your town could end up bankrupt, like Birmingham last year.

Here where we live, street lights are left on all night, the new refurbished Eastern Prom had gardened areas, where trees were planted, however they weren't suitable for the salt air and died. They have all been replaced with the same trees at the cost of £1000 each!

New public toilets built by Cosy Corner, are often not working and the main town toilets don't open till 10 and close at 4! The block paved pedestrianised main street is a night mare, with many broken or slipped and stick up ready to trip someone, like many towns our pavements are broken and uneven. 

If our council tax is increased, I for one will be busy writing to complain at every opportunity.

And don't get me talking about our £8mill Medical centre.

Like a lot of places its not easy to get an appointment, and the number of Drs has dropped.. we've lived here 3 years and although I've had telephone appointments, as yet I've only spoken to the same Dr twice. I've recently learnt some GP practices are offering evening appointments and Saturday appointments. Ours doesn't, so by my reckoning it's closed for 104 days a year, that's nearly a third of the year.. what a waste of money.. No wonder our NHS is failing.

And Starmer says they will fix things, I'm not holding my breath, what about you?


Wednesday 3 July 2024

A very busy day, but exciting too!

 We've had such a busy day.. our new furniture was scheduled to arrive between 2:15 pm and 4:15 pm, so we were all vac-ed and clear for them. Our lounge looked really big, it is actually bigger than the average living room. 

But last evening I had a text message from the hedge cutting firm, who said he could come in the afternoon. I was not going to put him off we've had him booked for when he had time, for 2 weeks and it shouldn't affect the furniture delivery. 

At 10:20 am we had some one knocking on our front door, we both thought it was the furniture early, but no. It was the handrail for the new steps, which had been ordered 4 weeks ago! It was all happening together!

We had only just had a coffee, when a short while later the furniture did arrive and early and it looks amazing, Perfectly matches the silver green carpet and the teal colour we had the alcoves painted. We are now looking forward to our new curtains, which should be ready the week after next.

We do love them and are so pleased with our choice. And more importantly they are very comfortable. 

Then Dh said he would fix up the new hand rail! Well, that was a first for him. He usually takes a few days weeks or longer to get round to fix something.  So off he went and got all the gear to do it, yes we have the drill and bits and electric screwdriver all tidy in zippy up containers, looking very new.  He wasn't any time getting it done and I've been up and down them several times. It is perfect and I feel safe using the steps!

Then he fixed up another grab bar round the side of our bungalow pathway, where there is a steep step. All on the same afternoon!

And the hedge cutting firm came about 2 so that's all done..I went round with the weed spray for the edges of the drive and outside on the road, where new weeds had sprung up. I'm afraid my days of digging out those between the paver weeds are over, at 81 I need all the help I can get!
Today we plan to do the grass, I'll do the edges and a bit of transplanting more carrots into pots. We are trialing a new garden firm on Friday to do some weeding,  hope it proves to be ok. 

And we saw the hedgehog eating the meal worms Dh had scattered on the ground.
A very satisfying day and there is still the rest of the week to come.

Tuesday 2 July 2024

And then his brother came....

 In our bathroom we have a free standing towel rail which stands in front of the radiator. There's a small space between it and the side wall, about 4 inches,

It seems its the ideal space for cobwebs and when using the loo, it's possible to see a resident of that cobweb, it's one of the spindly legs' one, creepy!  

The other night I asked Dh to remove it, it seemed to be looking right at me, although you can't see any eyes. He's very kind and lifts it gently and pops it out of the window. So I can relax on the loo! I feather dusted the web in the morning, such a relief to know the bathroom was safe.

Then the next day, there in the corner was a web again and it looked like the same spider, was it his brother? Doesn't he look creepy??

So he had to go too. I'm not that frightened of them, they just make me feel that they are creepy and I can imagine them crawling on me, ugh!

How do you feel about them?


Monday 1 July 2024

Its a comfort.

 Every now and then I choose an easy read book, nothing too taxing but an author that I like, what I call a comfort read.  So I'm the same about TV programmes and Christine Walkden's TV show about her and her garden is quite lovely and very pleasant to watch.

A qualified horticulturist she travels all over the world giving talks and lectures. She's very down to earth, knowledgeable but also entertaining.
She gets on well with her neighbours especially Reg, who was 72 when this series were filmed (2005)
In the 6th episode, she is off to China to be a guide in some famous gardens for a Holiday Company and Reg and her other neighbour, Louise , have volunteered to look after her garden and her hundreds of house plants.
Before she leaves she gives them strict instructions on the watering of her precious garden. Personally I'd be really nervous to be left in charge of her garden, but Reg, just laughs and is his usual jovial self. And we see him with the hose spraying all round on the foliage, not as Christine had instructed, but he was smiling and happy doing it.

Dh and I once volunteered to water some friend's garden. It was a 15 min drive away and their instructions were for watering every other day. We used to go early-ish and have a cuppa and sandwich after the watering, as it was very pleasant in their garden, so no hardship.

When Christine arrived back there were a few plants a bit dry but on the whole all was ok.
To thank Reg and Louise and their other halves, she invited them for a Chinese Take Away and then after, she showed them some of her slides she had taken while away. There were a few yawns and Louise went to sleep!  There were a lot of slides!!

It's a lovely programme and she is easy to listen to. When talking about how she liked to eat her carrots, with new potatoes, courgettes and maybe some meat or not, she likes them with lashings of butter! She said, 'You don't get to be my size if you don't like butter!'

A very enjoyable programme, if like me you love gardening.
