Wednesday 3 July 2024

A very busy day, but exciting too!

 We've had such a busy day.. our new furniture was scheduled to arrive between 2:15 pm and 4:15 pm, so we were all vac-ed and clear for them. Our lounge looked really big, it is actually bigger than the average living room. 

But last evening I had a text message from the hedge cutting firm, who said he could come in the afternoon. I was not going to put him off we've had him booked for when he had time, for 2 weeks and it shouldn't affect the furniture delivery. 

At 10:20 am we had some one knocking on our front door, we both thought it was the furniture early, but no. It was the handrail for the new steps, which had been ordered 4 weeks ago! It was all happening together!

We had only just had a coffee, when a short while later the furniture did arrive and early and it looks amazing, Perfectly matches the silver green carpet and the teal colour we had the alcoves painted. We are now looking forward to our new curtains, which should be ready the week after next.

We do love them and are so pleased with our choice. And more importantly they are very comfortable. 

Then Dh said he would fix up the new hand rail! Well, that was a first for him. He usually takes a few days weeks or longer to get round to fix something.  So off he went and got all the gear to do it, yes we have the drill and bits and electric screwdriver all tidy in zippy up containers, looking very new.  He wasn't any time getting it done and I've been up and down them several times. It is perfect and I feel safe using the steps!

Then he fixed up another grab bar round the side of our bungalow pathway, where there is a steep step. All on the same afternoon!

And the hedge cutting firm came about 2 so that's all done..I went round with the weed spray for the edges of the drive and outside on the road, where new weeds had sprung up. I'm afraid my days of digging out those between the paver weeds are over, at 81 I need all the help I can get!
Today we plan to do the grass, I'll do the edges and a bit of transplanting more carrots into pots. We are trialing a new garden firm on Friday to do some weeding,  hope it proves to be ok. 

And we saw the hedgehog eating the meal worms Dh had scattered on the ground.
A very satisfying day and there is still the rest of the week to come.

Tuesday 2 July 2024

And then his brother came....

 In our bathroom we have a free standing towel rail which stands in front of the radiator. There's a small space between it and the side wall, about 4 inches,

It seems its the ideal space for cobwebs and when using the loo, it's possible to see a resident of that cobweb, it's one of the spindly legs' one, creepy!  

The other night I asked Dh to remove it, it seemed to be looking right at me, although you can't see any eyes. He's very kind and lifts it gently and pops it out of the window. So I can relax on the loo! I feather dusted the web in the morning, such a relief to know the bathroom was safe.

Then the next day, there in the corner was a web again and it looked like the same spider, was it his brother? Doesn't he look creepy??

So he had to go too. I'm not that frightened of them, they just make me feel that they are creepy and I can imagine them crawling on me, ugh!

How do you feel about them?


Monday 1 July 2024

Its a comfort.

 Every now and then I choose an easy read book, nothing too taxing but an author that I like, what I call a comfort read.  So I'm the same about TV programmes and Christine Walkden's TV show about her and her garden is quite lovely and very pleasant to watch.

A qualified horticulturist she travels all over the world giving talks and lectures. She's very down to earth, knowledgeable but also entertaining.
She gets on well with her neighbours especially Reg, who was 72 when this series were filmed (2005)
In the 6th episode, she is off to China to be a guide in some famous gardens for a Holiday Company and Reg and her other neighbour, Louise , have volunteered to look after her garden and her hundreds of house plants.
Before she leaves she gives them strict instructions on the watering of her precious garden. Personally I'd be really nervous to be left in charge of her garden, but Reg, just laughs and is his usual jovial self. And we see him with the hose spraying all round on the foliage, not as Christine had instructed, but he was smiling and happy doing it.

Dh and I once volunteered to water some friend's garden. It was a 15 min drive away and their instructions were for watering every other day. We used to go early-ish and have a cuppa and sandwich after the watering, as it was very pleasant in their garden, so no hardship.

When Christine arrived back there were a few plants a bit dry but on the whole all was ok.
To thank Reg and Louise and their other halves, she invited them for a Chinese Take Away and then after, she showed them some of her slides she had taken while away. There were a few yawns and Louise went to sleep!  There were a lot of slides!!

It's a lovely programme and she is easy to listen to. When talking about how she liked to eat her carrots, with new potatoes, courgettes and maybe some meat or not, she likes them with lashings of butter! She said, 'You don't get to be my size if you don't like butter!'

A very enjoyable programme, if like me you love gardening.
