Tuesday 25 June 2024

A new chair and........

Yesterday we decided to get out and drive to a well known chair firm..and I bought one! Although we have a new sofa and arm chair coming next week, I wanted a chair where I could have my legs up. These recliners do all sorts of things, but I wanted one where I could still stand unassisted at this moment in time, maybe chuck me out of it, in some years in the future! It also has a back section to support your lumber region, which I found very comfortable when I tried it. I suppose I could lie back in it if I wanted. It was quite pricy, but recently my cousin Vera's words have echoed in my mind, 'No pockets in a shroud!' And having spoken to the lady in the Banking Hub last week, I thought yes, I'm going to spend my money! At the moment I prop my feet up on a stool, that was my Grand mother's, which must be at least 100 years old if not more and it's falling apart, altho' I have repaired it several times. 

When I spoke to friend about spending my money rather than opening yet another savings account, she laughed and ask was I thinking of buying a yacht, but there weren't any around that I fancied, so I bought the chair!  This was the third showroom selling these chairs I had visited, so I had thought about it over a period of months.
We were quite a while there in the show room, so stopping for a coffee and a snack seemed the right thing to do, it was lunch time.. The Costa we go to is near to Dunelm Mill, so we went in there to sort out curtains to go with the new furniture. I love them, big ferns pattern, with a mixture of our lounge colours, that will go with the new furniture, the carpet and the teal painted alcoves.. The wall where the window and French doors are is painted a straw colour, so these will suit perfectly. All ordered and they will be ready in about 7 to 10 days.. so quite a big spending day. 

Fortunately a new Food Warehouse has opened next to Dunelm Mill and several members of our slimming group have bought some different flavoured chicken in there, so we thought we'd have a look.. Well we didn't see the chicken pieces, but we did find some pkts of KFC and French Fries and some times you just have to have a day off dieting and we were tired and so we bought it and then some Magnums slipped into our basket!  We argued we needed the extra calories to compensate for all that money we spent!
Sometimes you've just got to do what you're body wants, never mind second thinking about if its good for you. 
What do you think, go outside of your planned life, which is good for you, and do something contrary now and then?



Marcia said...

I hope you share a photo of your finished redecorating when it's done. Looks like a comfy chair.

Lynn and Precious said...

Your new chair is your yacht! Lovely sounding curtains and a good fun treat while out.
This sounded like a great day. My friend had a recliner chair for her hubby that would
stand him up when he needed. He only was able to use if for 3 or 4 years before he passed
unexpectedly, but she said ever time he used it, it was worth a fortune to them both.

Live and Learn said...

When you spend your whole life saving for retirement, it's hard to switch your thinking to it's time to spend. New furniture and curtains is very exciting.

Angela said...

Is your food warehouse an Iceland one? And did you benefit from the over 60s 10% Tuesdays discount?

Marie Smith said...

Go for it! The money spending and the food! You can’t take it with you!

Rambler said...

Funny that you should write on this topic today . . . I was ordering my grocery delivery and really fancied some CAKE (very naughty but nice) telling myself that I could remove it from my order when I amended it in a few days time. I'm diabetic so sugary foods, pastries and cake are strictly avoided. But when I amended the order, I not only didn't remove the cake; I added a pack of KitKat 2-finger bars . . dark chocolate and mint . . yummmm. . . At the end of that week I had eaten the date & walnut cake and put on 3 lbs - oh heck! But all is well - I enjoyed the cake plus 1 of the KitKats and within a few more days the 3lbs had gone again. Phew! So - I don't think it hurts to enjoy a treat now and again then going back to the sensible eating regime.

Mari said...

Good for you! It looks nice and it looks comfortable. Enjoy!

Deanna said...

The chair will be truly enjoyed by you and I think there will be no regrets that you purchased this awesome chair. At my age, I have to elevate my old legs from time to time and enjoy the journey. ~d

Latane Barton said...

Good for you! Be comfy while you can. As the old saying goes, 'you can't take it with you',

Hena Tayeb said...

That looks nice and comfy.

Jules said...

Your new chair looks very comfortable. I find yachts are very overrated, anyway :)

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

I'm glad you found the perfect recliner and had a lovely shopping day.
A diet free meal - sometimes that is just what we need.