Wednesday 26 June 2024

A different book.

This is a very different book compared to my usual reads, I chose to read it because a FB book group said, it was like the book 'Eleonora Elephant is Completely Fine.' And I loved that book.

Clover is a Death Doula, an occupation, which I didn't even know existed.. like birth doulas help mothers through their pregnancy and birth, a death doula helps people in their final weeks of life and then death.

She hasn't had the best of lives; her parents left her alone a lot when she was a child. Then they were killed while away and Clover went to live with her grandfather. She has good memories of her life with him, reading books and Sunday breakfasts out with him. But in my view it didn't really help her with living life.

As a death doula she makes written collections of her 'clients' thoughts, regrets and advice shared with her in their last few moments.
The only thing is, she isn't really living her own life. At first her emotional amour prevents her from moving forward, eventually when she lets her guard down, a transition takes place and she opens up to her neighbour and a feisty client who helps her to start to value her own life.
Slowly we see her start to live, experiencing love, friendship and the rich rewards of relationships.
It wasn't a book I would have chosen if it hadn't been recommended to me, but I'm glad I've read it and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Try it and make up your own minds?

PS, I getting used to my new chair, which arrived this morning, it's comfy but a bit low, altho I sat in it this afternoon and slept for 2 hours!


Joy said...

It sounds very interesting. I didn't know such a thing existed either but it's intriguing xx

Mari said...

I loved Eleonora Elephant so will have to find this one. Thanks for the review!

Live and Learn said...

I have never heard of a death doula. That's an interesting concept for a book.

Granny Sue said...

What a strange occupation. A bit like hospice but without the nursing? I think I would enjoy that book.
Are there some kind of risers you could get for your chair?

susanB said...

Eleanor Oliphant, I think. It was a very good read.