Monday 24 June 2024

Our very own,,

Doesn't this  cabbage look superb, its our first one this year!

Our Sunday dinner was delicious, roasted chicken, stuffing and with our own first picked cabbage, our own carrots, with Jersey new potatoes, cauliflower and gravy.. followed by rhubarb couflutis and squirty cream and it was our own rhubarb.

Only if you're a gardener would you appreciate what a feat this is. A cabbage takes a while to grow from a seed and then there is the threat of the cabbage butterfly, so that's why ours are protected with an  environ-mesh to keep the pesky things off.

We really enjoyed it and for tea we had salad and it was our own lettuce and radishes with the chicken.

In the evening we sat in the garden and admired our hard work, and listened to the birds.

Do you enjoy growing your own food?



Angela said...

I have taken up gardening in retirement and loving it! At mealtimes, my poor husband has to endure a litany of "these ingredients are homegrown todayń radishes, lettuces, mint, potatoes..." the discovery of blzckflon the broadbeans was distressing though

Lynn and Precious said...

I have missed growing and canning and eating my own veggie for the past 11 years. We moved into an area in the country where the deer herds are huge and they eat everything. I'd need 8 foot tall fencing and we just decided to leave it be. I am envious of that lovely cabbage.

Live and Learn said...

I do understand the woes of the cabbage butterfly. We had our broccoli carefully covered by the butterflies got in anyway!

Marie Smith said...

Our plants and seed aren’t long in. Love that garden produce. Well done you two!

Mari said...

Food picked from your own garden is the best!

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

Growing your own produce can be hard work but so rewarding. A meal that has partly come from your own garden-delicious.

Chris said...

I'm well away from harvesting any home grown produce and I just discovered I have lost one of my cucumber plants. A sneaky little critter I suspect!

Granny Sue said...

That is an interesting cabbage? What variety is it? We cut ours yesterday, so today I am putting it up. We grow Stonehead, and this year I am trying Savoy again.
Nothing like growing your own. You two have done well!