Tuesday 11 June 2024

A healthy man age 67.

 Michael Mosley wrote books, did TV shows on the benefits of a healthy diet. He often followed diets to prove their worth. 

Dh and I followed his 5:2 diet when it first was published and it was so hard to follow Two days you were allowed 800 cals and the others you ate normally. It was so difficult and on our 800 cals days we went to bed very, very early!

Did we lose weight? Yes, we did but only temporally, once we ate normally we gained it all back! But we never gave up and later tried another one, a bit more realistic.

He was healthy, full of energy and was known as a very charismatic generous person, in fact a very nice gentleman.. so how can such a man die on a Greek Island? Reports are coming in that he took a wrong turning on the walk he had set out on, collapsed and died. 

So sad for his wife and four children. But I'm wondering why was he out walking in that middle of the day heat? Strong people are sometimes over confident of their capabilities. A few times I've said to Dh, 'No you're not doing that, it will mean you're over doing it, you're older,  there's no need to prove anything.'

Each time I had  holidays in very hot countries, the hotel guides warned about mid day heat, dangerous water for swimming, and walking alone at night, so we had a locals advice.

A life needlessly lost.

RIP Michael Mosley.



Tracy said...

It is a really tragic story. My (at the time) very fit Dad, who had served in the army in Egypt and Cyprus, was very poorly on a family holiday after getting sunstroke while walking in the mountains in Wales during a heatwave - something he had never suffered with before. That was many years ago, but I think it will happen more and more with climate change.

Joy said...

A very sad and shocking event and I feel very much for his family. xx

Jo said...

It's very sad. There's lots of questions but I don't think we'll ever really know the answers.

Mrs LH said...

It's a very sad outcome. I was/am a big admirer of his writing and the programmes he made. Have followed most of the diets and have reversed my type 2 diabetes as a result. Natural causes has been mentioned, but I'm sure walking for over 2hrs in that heat played a part. I read that he left the beach to walk back as he felt unwell. A real shame!

jabblog said...

It is sad, but I wonder if there's more to this story.

Fun60 said...

I always enjoyed litening to his programmes and had been listening to his most recent one about slowing down when you are eating when I heard he had gone missing. It would appear he died from natural causes but the excessive heat must have played its part in that. A warning to us all as the temperatures rise.

Lynn and Precious said...

It is sad if his death could have been prevented by simply using caution
in the heat. You just have to know your limits and Mother Nature.

Marie Smith said...

Sad but the heat can do you in…

Fiona said...

I think you have summed it up very well. Sometimes we try and make explanations more complicated because we can’t accept such a simple reason. But I expect it was as uncomplicated as this. So very sad.

Mari said...

I didn't know of him, but did hear of his death. So sad.

Maggie said...

It's so tragic and sad. I have had the same thoughts you mentioned, why go on a solitary walk in unfamiliar surroundings when you don't feel well. And you would have thought that someone of his background would have been aware of the dangers of being out in that heat. It makes no sense at all.

Granny Sue said...

I had not heard about this. Our hearts, though, are tricky machines. There may have been something congenital wrong with his heart that just chose that moment to show up. So sorry for his family.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

I feel for his family trying to come to terms with their loss. Especially as they were on holiday. It is a sad reminder of the danger of being out in excessive heat.