Saturday 8 June 2024


My lovely Dh and I worked very hard before our visitors on Wednesday , although can we say hard, as we have a vac that is powerful enough to suck the dust off the moon! And we believe in cleaning sprays, so we only have to give surfaces light swipe and they're done.  And of course we both had first jobs that taught us how to clean, Dh in the Navy, age 15, me a Student Nurse, just 18; we just get on getting it done together. And we did work hard in the garden, so that it looked good.

But being older, we had to have a nanny nap Thursday afternoon and we still slept that night! We've decided no more visitors for a while, we were so tired and we definitely needed a treat.
As we've had glorious weather for days, (Dh got sunburnt when we sat outside on Wednesday)... we planned to go to a big garden centre after our morning SW meeting and treat ourselves to a coffee and maybe (shhhh) a ham and cheese toasty and maybe a cake! Don't tell please! And I was looking forward to some new plants and a look around.

We also needed a new pot for a lovely twisted flowering cherry tree, that Dh's girls bought for his 70th birthday. It's telling us it needs a bigger pot!  But you've guessed it, when we came out from SW,  the heavens opened.. so change of plan, we went to a Costa near to a Homebase. We had a lovely coffee, ham and cheese toasty and a piece of their Tiffin..  and then we got a very nice pot from Homebase. And of course we had to buy some new plants, but we have justified it, by convincing ourselves, if we had gone to the garden centre we'd have bought a lot more and paid a lot more too.
So the gardening goes on and on! 
Why do gardeners have to keep buying plants even though it appears that their garden is full?

Dh's mother had stayed with us several times over the years, but always said she couldn't understand why gardeners always had to go round their gardens each day and what was so wonderful in garden centres? However when we took her to a big one, she loved it and mooched around the different areas and bought several items!

So not a lot happening here, except Dh chased a cat up the garden, he/she dashed through the hedge, but only after he/she had given Dh the stare. Cats are so daring aren't they?

Can't wait for the weekend so we can have a rest|!



Lynn and Precious said...

Doesn't gardening just give you a personal feeling of accomplishment. When the day
is done, you look outside and everything is in good order.

Marie Smith said...

Love garden centres too. We’ve been several times the last week as the garden gets sorted for another year.

Have a restful weekend, you two!

Mari said...

Glad you are getting a little rest and having some fun after all the work of the visit!

Sooze said...

I love mooching around garden centres, one of my favourite things to do. And then come home and plant all my new plants!

Granny Sue said...

You certainly deserved a treat after your visitors. I am with you re plants! I bought more yesterday, and now have to figure out where to put them.