I have just got home this afternoon, after my op last Thursday
The pain this time was awful after the shoulder block anaesthesia wore off Friday afternoon, I was groaning for an hour and a half, it was my own fault I had been offered pain killers, but said I was ok, then the pain hit me, so one tablet wasn't enough. I can't have morphine because it makes me sick so no injections. DH talked me through it with scenes of the sun glinting on the sea at Southend, the walk along the prom and that gentle breeze we loved so much; then picturing our favourite café smelling of coffee and the sounds of the frothing machine, with its delicious Italian ice-cream, a chocolate flake and the crisp biscuit and rubbing my back, to try to take my mind off it, but it was the worst I 've ever had. I can't do this op again.
I have come home with a huge wedge thing in a sling, so I can't put my arm through a sleeve? The wedge sling will be a nuisance but I can put up with it, if it means I will have my life back, it's only for 6 weeks. I was very wobbly this time, much more than before. Goodness knows how I will dress properly, at the moment my right droopy booby is exposed!!
I do have quite a bit of discomfort and I am still a bit wobbly, my legs feel as though they don't belong to me!! The op took 6 1/2 hours this time.
I am to visit my Surgery weekly to have the nurse check the dressing and any serious sudden pain to phone the hospital, which I should have done before.. so strict instructions to do nothing at all that will involve putting a strain on my operated shoulder.. can't shower this time, so only strip washes. Criky hope I don't get smelly!! LOL
DH has an annual Dr's check up tomorrow and then we're popping to Saxmundham's Waitrose for a beef joint as #1DS is coming to try DH's cooking on the new cooker. Yes, we have had our new kitchen fitted. It was hell for 2 weeks and 3 days! But worth it and it looks spectacular.. pics are on my other blog. www.perhapslivingthegoodlife.blogspot.com
We think if we alter the bathroom, next year we'll book a week away when it's being done. We are still putting stuff in the kitchen and pantry and we still have the blinds and an open shelf to put up.
At the moment we're not having else done, so we can have a rest from workmen and we're having a quiet Christmas, we just need a rest from everything. The three bedrooms are decorated and new carpets etc and the loft bedroom is fine, so no need to do anything else for quite a while.
Thank you to all my blogging friends for messages and emails, I feel truly blessed that people feel concerned for me.
Love to you and remember you are lovely!
I had such joy when we swung into our driveway and relief. We love it here and so glad we moved here.